This is a new law that passed in California this week.

A law that makes providing a straw without being asked, punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.
The reason behind this is to reduce the environmental damage from plastic that winds up in landfills, waterways and ocean.
I get it, but lets think about this for a minute....
Can they not go back to the paper straws? They may not be good at getting the broccoli out of your teeth but they work just fine for drinking and they can go in the trash just like the paper napkins.
Why not ban plastic cups? I mean, those solo cups can be found everywhere on the grounds of a college campus.
What about plasic forks and spoons? Have you ever had your yard forked?
But wait. This only applies to sit-down restaurants, not bars or fast food locations.
Really? I would think it would be the other way around. At least in the restaurant, your straw usually stays “in the restaurant”.
Sorry, but this is one of these craziest things Ive heard this week.
Now, let me humor you a bit with some other silly laws I bet you didn’t know about.
North Carolina- It’s illegal to use Elephants to plow cotton fields.
Texas- It’s illegal to sell an eye.
Utah- It’s illegal to NOT drink milk
Tennessee- It’s illegal to share your Netflix password.
Virginia- It’s Illegal for kids to trick or treat on Halloween.
Washington- You can’t harrass BigFoot!
Wyoming- You can’t take a picture of a rabbit between Janurary and April without a permit.
Ohio- It’s Illegal to get a fish drunk.
New York- You can’t wear slippers after 10pm.
South Carolina- You can’t keep your horse in a bathtub.
Florida- If you tie an elephant to a parking meter, It will cost the same as a car.
Alaska- You can not wake a sleeping bear to get a photo.
California- If a frog dies during a frog jumping contest, you can not eat it.
Alabama- It’s illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.
West Virginia- Whistling under water is prohibited.
Hawaii- Coins can not be placed in someones ear!
Ok that does it. I’m going to bed.