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Clay & Crochet Ghost

Wow. Can you believe this years is almost over? We are in the last quarter. It ill be Christmas in just two months. 

But for now, we have Halloween coming up. I do not get big into Halloween. I decorate for Fall and just throw in some cute little ghost, bats or spiders. I do not do any horror. 

At work, everyone dresses up and decorates their work cubicles for Halloween and we do trick or treating for the foster children in our custody. They will have a chance to trick or treat with their foster parents or with their own families if they choose to come visit for the event. I do not plan to dress up this time though. 

I usually have a theme. Last year I did skeletons. This year I am doing ghost. I am a minimalist so I do not do a whole lot. I like to keep things simple. Here is my cube for this halloween.

See, it’s very subtle with decorations. I will put out my candy on Halloween for the trick or treaters.

So with ghost as my theme, I pulled out my air dry clay and decided to play around with it and create these cut little clay ghost. 

Can you spot the naughty one?

I gave a couple away and kept a couple for myself. I put a little battery light underneath them to make them glow. They were easy to make by rolling out the clay and draping them over a medicine bottle and a ball of aluminum foil util they dried. I used a straw to punch out the eyes before they dried completely.

I didn’t stop there. Of course I had to pull out my yarn and crochet some tiny ghost stuffies. I need to make some more by request. 

What is your favorite halloween item? Ghost, bats, spiders, witches, etc??

Crazy Day in the Neighborhood

I was scheduled to work from home today due to the call of bad weather. We got the effects of hurricane Helene. We are in North Carolina 210 miles from the East coast and I think 8 hours from Florida but still got the taste of the storm. I was unable to work as my internet went out. Later this morning the power went off and was off for 5 hours. The foods in the fridge and freezer remained cold so its all good. I knew not to open the fridge or freezer doors. 

But my problems were minor. Nick headed to work at 8 in the morning despite the recommendations of staying off the roads. The rain was light but the winds were vicious. Fifteen minutes after he left, a tree feel through a house across the street from me. A tree also destroyed a house at the other end of the road. 

All the neighbors rush over to make sure the old lady in the house was ok and she was. Her daughter lived two houses down so she has a safe place. 

A little later we heard another tree fall . It was loud but was only a big limb. This was at another house directly in front of mine. So, we all rush over to that one next and made sure they were all ok. They were. 

With the power off and no where to go, the neighbors mostly huddled outside and told stories. I enjoyed the time with friends. We all had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and thought that was funny and made a good laugh.

The storms seem to be over now and we have power and internet. Tomorrow will be spent helping neighbors clean up their yards. We didn’t have it near as bad as they did in the mountains as dams broke and flooded out the tourist towns and homes. Just keep those that lost their homes everywhere, in your prayers.