Happy Mail from Cali

My sweet friend Annette is a maker of crafty stuff. She is also another Nutrisystem Ambassador. How cool is that? I love how we can follow and support each other on our weight loss journey and be able to share craft ideas at the same time. You can find her on Instagram under the name "Mexicanstew". Her names comes from her being Mexican and married to a Stewart.
Is that not the cutest thing?
I was thinking, If I created a name like hers it would come out something like "Americandime"

Well, I got my first Happy Mail the other day. When I came in from work there was a package for me sitting on the counter. My husband smiles and says "your popular today". It was from Mexicanstew. I tore into it not knowing what I was going to find, but I knew it was going to be good.

Inside was the most adorable little hand made greeting cards. Now, she had no idea I loved greeting cards, but I do. Especially the ones that are blank inside. I hate shopping for cards in the store and you can't beat a pretty handmade card with a personal hand written note inside.

There was also one of her handmade lotion bars. I will keep this one in my purse. It's good for dry skin and even safe enough to use on your lips. I love lemon smells and it just so happens to be the fragrance of Lemon Grass.

To top it off, she included one of her little draw string bags shes makes.
I have been all over the house thinking of what I can use it for. I will be heading out of town this weekend and will be taking it with me. It could be used for a makeup or a jewelry bag. But I plan to either use it to pack my lingerie in my suitcase or carry a small crochet project in it. decisions, decisions.

You can find items like these in her Etsy shop but you may have to wait until she gets it stocked back up and running.

Handmade With Love From Texas

I have always wanted to make my own soaps. I just never understood the whole concept of buying soap to make soap. I got to thinking about it and thought, “I guess it is the same as buying wax to make candles”.

Every time I go to small shops where handmade soaps are made, I am always drawn over to the rack to admire them and take a sniff. However, I have never purchased any bars of homemade soaps. Never have I even tried a bar of it. I always use liquid soap at home.  

My blogging friend Benita made some goat milk based soap and I was excited when I receive a few of them from her in the mail the other day to try. I immediately opened one to try it out. I was impressed! I loved the smell and silky feel of these little soaps. The light fragrance of honey almond smelled clean and fresh. 

I'm sold! So far I used the soap on my hands and face and love the feeling it gave my skin. I plan to use it in the shower next for an all over feel.
I was amazed at how creamy it felt without making my skin feel oily but yet made it feel hydrated and soft. I accidentally got a little in my eyes and it did not even irritate them like most soaps will.

Would you just look at that lather!

Making soap could be fun as I have read about so many different fragrances and ingredients you can use. Benita has given me the inspiration to try making my own. I’m still not sure I could pull it off as good as hers are. I am doing a loofah garden this year and the loofah sponges will be ready to harvest in the Fall. I think this would make a great combination to homemade soap projects. 

Head over to Benita's blog ,Chasing Quaintness and check it out. She is so talented and her post are fun and interesting. 
She also host link parties you can join in or just look around. 

PS: I think she should really sell these soaps!!