Family Photo Not Happening

I have to admit, I get a little jealous when I log on to social media pages such as Facebook or Instagram and see all the families together smiling for that perfect family photo. Especially around the holidays when that seems to be the perfect time with everyone there. Some even take it a step further and wear matching outfits.

I can not get my family to do one photo. In fact, It's hard to even get them in the same room together at the same time to even discuss it. It makes everyone uncomfortable when I want a picture taken of them.

This past Christmas, while at mom and dads house, I told everyone that I would like us all to gather close for a family photo. They looked at me like I was out of my mind. Then everyone started disappearing to other rooms. I was heartbroken and just let it go. My nephews and cousins are growing up and mom and dad are getting old.

I think it's selfish. I know there are people that really do not like to have their photos taken. I get it. but on the other hand it's selfish to loved ones. One of these days, a picture will be all we have left of someone. Even if it's just one picture of a parent, family member or friend, smiling or showing happiness while doing something they enjoy. You know those happy or memorable moments.
Do you know that I do not have a photo of my grandmothers? 

However, I finally got a family photo with Nicks side of the family. It was not my idea this time. It was the idea of my niece. It happened, but not without some grumbling and complaining. The kids were screaming because they were tired of being held down while we waited on everyone to come into view. The photo turned out ok but I sure would love to have one with my side of the family as well.

It's not gonna happen.

Christmas Goodies

This is the only time of year I will spend hours in the kitchen baking cookies, cakes, candy and fudge.

This is the first year I have made sugar cookies. For some reason I have always felt it was a hard task. (or maybe I thought I might like it). I have put it off long enough. I usually always make pecan butter cookies or Biscotti. Not this year. I tried all new recipes that I have never attempted.

Sorry no photo of the sugar cookies yet because technically it’s only 8:00 in the morning and I haven't made them yet. I wanted to get my post out before I start with all of my Christmas Eve festivities. 

I made a batch of Italian Canestrelli cookies. They turned out delicious! The slight taste of lemon and powder sugar, set these cookies away from the typical butter cookie.
Since I have an Italian husband, It's always fun to throw in a special Italian recipe in the mix.

I'll never be able to compete with my mom or the little Italian grandmother that once held this green handled rolling pin. But its always fun to take a shot at it.

I have been wanting to try out my extra large muffin pan so I made a dozen apple muffins. I did not have any large muffin cup liners so I made my own using parchment paper. They looked like they were right out of the bakery. Dontcha think? I ended up eating one and giving the rest away. I may make some more of these later. My dad has requested some. I can't say no to daddy.

I also made some shortbread cookies. These were the easiest ever! With just three ingredients they turned out great. Perfect with morning coffee. 
Did I say "only three ingredients"?

Then there was the Fudge. I have an easy fudge recipe, but when I saw the award winning peanut butter fudge recipe over at Andrea's blog, I had to give that one a try. I love peanut butter fudge and when she mentioned it could be made in the microwave, I was sold! Mine did not turn out as pretty as hers but it was still delicious! Thanks Andrea.

Today we will make a trip to a few neighbors and hand out boxes of homemade goodies. Later we will head over to mom and dads for some family time with dinner pickups and gifts for the kids. 

Before I close, I want to show you this darling Christmas ball that my favorite friend made me. The movie “Die Hard” is one of my favorite Christmas movies....Ok not really, but it is the most exciting Christmas movie....Ok maybe technically I should call it a Holiday Movie....
Anyway, she made me a Christmas ball that represents one of the main phrases in the movie. You have to see the movie to understand. 

I love it. Thank you Anne!!!

Yall please remember the true meaning of Christmas. 
Jesus is the best gift of all.