My New iPhone Gadget

I’ll admit. I take lots of selfies. No one else can take a selfie of me, like me. Is that weird? Yes I think it's very weird that people snap pictures of themselves. I can’t believe that I actually will do this.
I will even take a selfie in front of people! I remember the days where I would hide from any camera much less take a photo of myself! I will take a dozen before I decide one looks ok enough to make a profile photo for social media. Until recently, I hid from cameras. I'm learning to have a better self esteem and not be so critical on how I look.

My daughter was always my photographer but now she no longer lives in the house. Now I have no one to take any pictures of me. My husband is not qualified.
You might wonder why this is important to me. Well I promise I do not think I look good on camera nor do I think I half way qualify as a model. 
You see, I get asked sometimes to take promotional photos of myself. Once I had to do a video for social media. For the video, I literally tied my phone to a pole with a hair band. It was awkward and the video was not so good.

Recently, I have been asked to do more social media promoting so I figured I may need more to work with. I went online and started looking around for ideas. 
I came across this flexible “Octopus Tri-Pod” for my iPhone.
I even have a cool little blue tooth remote to snap the photos with. How cool is that?

This cute little tripod only cost me four bucks and I’m already loving it and haven't even used it yet. It can bend and rotate in many different angles and I can use it anywhere.
I do own a digital camera, but my iPhone seems to take better pictures than my little Cannon.

Being only 6 inches tall, It's portable, so can throw my personal photographer in my tote and take it with me on the road if I need too. I'm actually thinking of making a few fashion post soon. I just have to get the courage up first.

This little doohickey will be perfect for those fashion bloggers or those who just want to take a fun selfie or still video. 

(I’m laughing now because spell check just corrected my spelling of "doohickey". It must be from the South too. Haha.)

Octopus tripod- EBAY
Wireless blue tooth camera remote-EBAY

Broken Wings

It’s that time of year where the butterflies are nearly everywhere you go. They are very plentiful around here. You can see all sizes and colors. They are absolutely beautiful. I like to watch them feed off my butterfly bush that was given to me years ago by my neighbor Mr. H. 

On the way home from shopping on Saturday, a beautiful Canadian Tiger Swallowtail flew into our path and we unavoidably hit it with the grill of the car. I was not aware of this. When we parked the car in the carport the butterfly fell to the ground and wobbled into the grass as his wings would sway back and forth hitting the pavement from side to side. I immediately called for Nick to come see the hurt butterfly. That’s when he admitted hitting it but did not want to tell me. He did not think the butterfly had stuck to the grill and survived the ride home. 

I did not want to touch him causing him to loose anymore flying dust but I did reach down with some water on my finger. He grabbed hold around my finger for a sip but never gained trust. When I would try to lift my hand up to get a closer look, he bounced off. It never would walk onto my hand to be carried to safety. 
The butterfly would rather sit on my shoe. As you can see, he had a broken right wing and a torn edge. 

So with it sitting on my shoe, I carefully walked out to my butterfly bush and lifted him up to a floral, sweet smelling stem to rest on. I do not know if he eventually gained flight or fell to the ground and wobbled away.

I can’t help but wonder if butterfly wings heal themselves. If not, I guess this guy is a goner .