I Have No Idea

I have been sitting here with my iPad on my lap for a while now, wanting to write a blog entry but I have no idea what to blog about. I have been tired and busy.

I went to the beach two weeks ago but nothing to blog about this time. Just had a relaxing little quick trip to get the camper Winterized. Temperatures were in the 80’s so we stayed on the beach most of the time.  It was Halloween so we watched the cute trick or treaters and contests. We also went to a halloween party someone was having. We felt out of place but stayed a little while not to be rude. It was fun watching people and seeing all the different costumes. We also made a couple new friends.

Work has been busy and I come home tired every day. The nature of my job can be rewarding but also stressful and heartbreaking. At least one (sometimes two) nights a week I will fall asleep and sleep for 12 hours. 

I have a request to make some crocheted things by May for church. According to my figurations, I have to work on them 10 hours a month to get them completed. 

I also plan to do another 5K on Thanksgiving morning and I’m trying to find the time and energy to practice and get my strength and balance ready. My daughter will be doing this with me. It will be my 5th time running a 5K. I was a few pounds smaller all the other times and not in nearly as much pain, But I can do this. 

Other things I need to do this month are come up with a dish to make for our work Thanksgiving party, Make a dish or two for family Thanksgiving, get some Christmas shopping done, decorate for Christmas, and find the bottom of my laundry basket. 

Hmmm, well looky there, I just made a blog post with no idea. 

Feel free to comment with any idea you would like for me to blog about. This could be fun. If your reading my blog from email, just click on my blog title and it will take you to my actual blog page and you can comment from there. 

Propane Tank Monsters

 My daughter and I were headed out for a coffee and a day of shopping. When I turned down the next street from my house heading out to the highway, I noticed two tanks someone had thrown to the side of the road. One was an old propane tank and the other was a helium tank. My mind instantly went into craft mode and knew I had to have them. I told my daughter that if they were still there when we get home, I was going to get them. 

We visited a little coffee shop in the small town of Belmont and walk around town as we sipped our caffeine filled cups of goodness. I ordered the Maple bacon Latte. It was good. 

Before heading home we visited a thrift shop and scored a few good deals.

I hadn’t forgot about the tanks. As were turning into the neighborhood, the tanks were still on the side of the road so I pulled over. We jumped out, grabbed them, threw them in the hatch and headed one home. We giggled because It looked like we were stealing something as we grabbed them so fast not wanting anyone to see us. 

I gave them a little wipe down, grabbed some paint and brushes and we headed out to the porch to turn this trash into another Halloween project. I painted the white one and my daughter painted the green one. 

This was just as fun as painting or carving pumpkins but less mess and a lot cheaper!

They now sit on my front porch steps and I will dispose of them somehow after Halloween.