NutPods Creamer

Every morning, I make my way into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. I have never been a fan of plain black coffee and would add a lot of sugar and cream but since being on a diet, I have learned to enjoy unsweetened creamers with only a few that I like. For health reason, I have also been looking for a good non dairy creamer. 

Due to having Tinnitus and symptoms of Menier's Disease, I have had to make some changes in my diet. Foods that trigger episodes of earringing and vertigo associated to my problem are known to be related to high sodium and dairy. I have started doing a low sodium diet and trying to cut back on dairy products.

I was excited when NutPods sent me a box of their French vanilla flavored oat creamer. I can’t thank them enough! 
Their original creamers are made with all natural flavors including almonds and coconut cream, however, the oat based creamer has all the same goodness but without the nuts. It is sugar free and dairy free with zero sodium. Exactly what I have been looking for. Each serving has only 10 calories, 1gram of fat and zero everything else.

The next morning I could hardly wait to give NutPods Oat Creamer a try. I poured my coffee and added the cream. I was impressed at how creamy it was and made my coffee smooth and delightful. It was hard to believe this was sugar free and dairy free! It was delicious and had the perfect amount of flavor to wake up my tastebuds. I have found that other non dairy creamers have a weird flavor and leave an after taste, but not this one. NutPods Creamer was a game changer for me. After just one cup, I was hooked. 

Here are some other cool facts about NutPods Creamers.
Plant based
Lactose free
No sugar
Gluten free
And can be used in place of milk in most recipes. 

Do you like froth? No worries. This creamer is also froth friendly. How fun is that?  
It has the consistency of half and half and I’m excited to continue using NutPods as my every day creamer. I will be purchasing Nutpods creamer for now on and want to try all the other flavors they have to offer. 

It’s great knowing I’m doing something healthier for my body while still being able to enjoy the little things in life. Like what goes into my coffee. 

*Nutpods Oat creamer was provided to me free of charge 
in exchange for my honest review. 
All opinions are 100% my own.

Meet my Newest Pet

I would prefer to have a pet cat, chicken or hedgehog but it’s just not going to happen. We have allergies to cats. Chickens are not allowed in the city limits and Hedgehogs.....well, they are just too odd. I can not talk Nick into letting me own one. Maybe one day, but for now, I had to settle for a plant pet. 

Meet Midori (Japanese word for green).

Midori is a Marimo Moss Ball or some call them algae balls. They are found in the bottom of rivers and lakes, and if taken care of, they can live over 200 years. 

I do not need to feed it, take it for a walk or litter train it. It just sits in an aquarium all day and the only thing I need to do is keep the water changed every couple weeks. The only tricks it will do is float to the top of the water sometimes. 
It is soft and fuzzy, does not smell and can live outside of the water for a couple days if it has too. This one may go on a few adventures. 

This species is found mostly in Japan, but I adopted this one from Indiana. They can also be found in most pet stores as people will usually add them to fish aquariums for added freshness and they make the fish happy. 

But then there are pet empty people like me that make them plant pets. 
Ok, call me weird but it will be fun coming up with ideas to decorate it’s living space. And honestly, it looks pretty cute sitting on my mantel.  

I remember when my sister used to have a pet rock. 
Do you or have you ever had something odd that you called a pet? 

Shop Marimo Moss Ball from Aquatic Arts.