• My Fitbit alarm gently vibrated on my wrist to effortlessly wake me up. 
  • It was 7:00 am. 
  • I sat up in bed, grumpily punched my pillow and walked out of the room then gently shut the door not to wake up my husband and started my daily routine. 
  • As I walked into the bathroom my shoulder hit the side of the door and I kicked a towel in the floor from last nights shower. 
  • Looking in the mirror I did not like the face looking back at me. 
  • "gross!" I said as I turned off the light and walked into the kitchen to eat breakfast. 
  • I forgot to add coffee grounds to the coffee maker so I remade a pot. 
  • I ripped the bag of bread because I found the simple bread tie annoying to get off. 
  • "Stupid bread bags" I mumbled. 
  • I made an egg while my toast was browning in the toaster then sat down to eat. 
  • I looked through my emails, checked my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram then headed over to my blog to read everyone's post.
  • The husband is now up and sits down to eat a bowl of oatmeal and throws me a kiss across the table.
  • I was not in the mood so I did a fast pucker back with a sideways smile. 
  • He knew to leave me alone. 
  • After about 10 minutes, time seemed to sneak up on me so slammed my iPad shut. 
  • Because I guess somehow it was the iPads fault that I didn't have time to finish.
  • I had to get ready for work but I could not find anything to wear. 
  • "Ugly is all I see" I shouted. "I do not look good in any of this stuff' anymore".
  • I headed to the vanity. 
  • "Uuuughhh, I'm so ugly!" I said to myself. 
  • Then my eyes filled with tears.
  • The husband walked in and tried to make me feel better. 
  • But I knew this was just something husbands do. It didn't help matters.
  • "I can't get my hair to look right, my face is saggy and wrinkles are everywhere!"
  • "I look old and worn".
  • "I have bad teeth"
  • "I'm useless and will never amount to anything" 
  • "I hate my job"
  • "and I'm always broke".
  • Nick just listened until I was finished. Then he again tried to make me feel better.
  • It was 8:30am
  • I grabbed my work bag and headed to work hoping I do not get into any road rage.
  • I was on the brink.

Why all this?
I was in a FUNK!
This will happen to me a couple times a year and it feels awful.

Do you ever just wake up thinking the whole world is against you?
You feel like whatever you do, someone else has just done it better?
You feel like everyone in the world is having fun and enjoying life except you?
You feel ugly and useless.
Everything seems irritate you.
It's like a depression cloud that will float over you and you wait for it to pass.
And usually by the end of the day, it will.

How do you fix this? 
I'm not sure about you but I have to find an outlet.
Pray first.
I have to stay off social media a while. The news will keep me depressed.
I have to keep thinking positive.
I have to keep telling myself  "this not who I am and it will pass".
Exercise works too.
Having a friend you can talk too and vent too is a big plus. I do not have a friend like this but I have my husband and he is my best friend. We talk, we walk, and we grumble about life together and by the end of the day I'm in a better mood.

Do you ever get in Funk?

Vintage Finds- Pins

I was over at my late father in laws estate this past weekend as we are getting things cleaned up for a future auction.
As I was looking around, I found a couple little vintage trinkets and decided to add them in my Etsy shop for fun.

I saw these hatpins and fell in love with them. I have not actually seen a hatpin in use so I looked up a little history on these jewels.

Here are a few fun facts I found about hatpins.

~Hatpins were origianally made to hold wimples and vials in place.
~Hatpins became popular in the 1880’s to use on hats.
~Women used hat pins as self defense against attacks by men.
~In 1908 A law was passed in America that limited the length of hatpins because they were afraid they would be used for weapon by suffragettes
~I just learned a new word.
~In the 1910s, an ordinance was passed that required hatpins to have covered tips so they would not accidently hurt someone.
~In 1918 passengers were advised to leave the trams if hatpins were uncovered but a law was never passed for that. 
~Now days, they are used as brooches on coats or as a conversation piece by collectors.

How about that? I never knew. But I can see these things being weapons as they made pin cushions out of me on the way home. I did not realize they were so sharp. Two of them have protector caps, but one does not.

Next, I came across these adorable little vintage diaper pins. These were also before my time, dating back to the 50’s. They are made of sterling silver and can be monogammed. I’m thinking this was a nice gift for the new baby back in the day. This set is a little tarnish. 

Diaper pins were still being used in the 60’s. I remember my mom using cloth diapers on my sister and brother. She was good about pinning them on without sticking the baby. She would place her hand behind the pin and sacrifice her own fingers. 

I’m wondering if some people still use cloth diapers now days. I’m surprised they have not made a come back in the organic and recyclable world. 

Both of these items and more can be found in my shop until sold.