Are You Weight Ready For Fall?

We lost our weight so we could finally enjoy a fun summer of feeling great about ourselves. We flaunted the flat tummy at the beach, and enjoyed thoses shorts and tank top at cookouts.

Summer brought gardens full of fresh veggies and meals were light. We traded ice cream for smoothies and protien bars after a workout. Water was a necessity and we drank it alot due to the heat.

It wasn't easy. We struggled with the scales as we saw our weight shift up and down a couple pounds, but we we managed to keep our weight in that safe range.

But beware. Fall is coming. Are you weight ready? Do you have room to gain a few pounds without gaining to much? Fall will bring cool temperatures and out come the sweat shirts and baggy clothes.

The body we worked so hard for will soon go hidden behind large sweaters and jackets. We could easily lose focus on the body we worked so hard to acheive.

Holidays, ballgames and staying inside more will bring on munchies. It's ok, those big baggy warm clothes will still fit next week and probably all Winter long. Soon spring will come around again and the next thing you know those cute little clothes no longer fit over those cute little muffin tops. 

Strive to keep up healthy eating habits as the temeratures drop and physical activities slow down. Dont stop exercising. When it's too cold to be outside, come up with indoor activities besides lifting a spoon. Enjoy the comfort of food but control the baking. While snacking, stay in the kitchen instead of taking it to the bed or couch. Limit eating in front of the tv, this leads to over eating. Remember portion contol is important.

Opt for the tight jeans when you shop and the spandex leggings when you workout. Dont hide the body you worked so hard to get or you might forget where you put it.

Calm Before The Storm

It's pretty calm right now, but we are expecting some bad weather here in the carolinas come Monday or Tuesday. Though we live 200 miles from the coast, we are in the line of hurricane Irma thats going to make land fall unless she takes a sharp turn back into the Atlantic. 

In 1998 we lived through the devistating hurricane Hugo which made land fall and hit the carolinas like wrecking ball. We were out of power, water and ice for days. Since then, people around here get worried when we see the threat of a hurricane. 

Me and Nick got ahead of the game and took a trip to Walmart on Wednesday night. We picked up a couple cases of water, some staple foods, snacks and instant coffee (because what worst can happen if the power goes out right?). We already have batteries for the flash lights and I grabbed a pack of candles. I love candles anyway so any excuse to get some is a win for me.

The store was calm, there was still bread on the shelves, and plenty of water in stock. I told Nick it was the calm before the storm. I was right. The stores were hit hard on Thursday. People are now having trouble finding the simple necessities such as water and bread. The storm is not here yet and I'm sure the store shelves will be restocked again before the storm hits, but the state is still in a panic. 
Here is what we are expecting where I am.

We have been keeping an eye on this storm as it will wiggle East and West. We are also concerned about our camper stored on the coast of SC (in the orange). 

Latest Update as I type, "Irma just shifted again and we may be out of danger as it moves more West. 

Looks like Florida will get the worst of it. Hotels have waived pet bans and airlines have cut flight prices.
So if your in the red, get out or hunker down

Prayers for everyone in the path of this storm.


 Isn't this just the cutest pillow? Found at TwoPeachesDesign