Things Mom Said

Happy Mothers Day. I hope you all think of your mothers today no matter where they are now.

This is the first Mothers Day that I did not attend Church. I feel a little guilty about that but we took a beach trip this weekend and right now we are heading home. We will be back in town in time to join the rest of the family to have dinner with Mom. We will be taking her to her choice of restaurant. Im thinking a lot about my mom as I ride down the road. 

Growing up, my mom would say (and still says) many things that showed me direction and love. but I did not always agree with some of them and some would make me mad. Now that im older and have a daughter of my own I understand it now. This brings me to thinking of some of the things I remember that my Mother would say. I remember it like it was yesterday (really it could have been just yesterday).
Let me humor you with some of the things I remember and I actually find myself telling my own daughter sometimes.

1. "Just pray about it"- This is what she would tell me when I was hurt and confused. At this point, I knew she just didn't have the answer and these words would comfort me, so pray is what I did. and it worked!

2. "Your not going out of this house like that"- This pertained to any thing I wore above my knees or showed my belly button.

3. "Well, then they are not your friends!"- Often I would complain that my friends would make fun of me or be mad at me because I couldn't do certain things. Well, They were my friends and still are, they just didn't understand at the time because they lived with different rules.

4. "Well, your not everybody"- When I really thought I was the only one that could not go or do something I wanted to do. I mean, everybody else did it! Really!

5. "You look like a clown"- This is when I'd put on makeup. Therefore, I would sneak and wear it. Nobody else called me a clown. If they had, Id probably listened to them. Ha.

6. "Your gonna sit there until your plate is clean"- Ok, I would actually sit for long time. and I think it was only when we had butter beans. The dog wouldn't even be around.

7. "Your grounded until your next report card"- She meant this. I was grounded all school year every school year. which leads back to quote #3 and #4 and sometimes quote #1.

8. "You listen to me when I tell you something"- I often felt this one on my behind. yikes!

9. "Stop crying before I give you something to cry about"- This was actually a hard task and by her saying this, it would often bring on more tears.

10. "One of these days, you will have children just like you"- Um...this is the all mighty mother's curse she put on me and all my siblings , but luckily, mine did not turn out "just like me". Shes alot of the opposite. But because of my own daughter, I understand alot of my mothers reasons.

I have the best mom in the world that always worked hard to keep us straight. She worked hard to keep the family together and keep christian pricipals in the home. I know she didn't have it easy and I appriciate all shes taught me and showed me through life. I find myself  more like her every day. 

This is Mom before I was even a twinkle in her eye. She was pretty and still is! 

What are some things you remember your mom saying? 


Yard Games

I remember playing outside a lot when I was younger. You seldom see kids playing outside now days. 

I would play jax and jump rope with the girls and ride bikes with the boys. But there were times that families would get together and play games in the yard. 

We had a croquet set. We enjoyed tapping the ball trough the course around the yard.  Then there was horse shoes. I was never good at horse shoes. The men mostly would play this game as the horseshoes were too heavy for the young ones to throw successfully.

I remember families around the neighborhood would meet up to play wiffle ball or rolly bat. Boy was that the fun days.

One game I never played until I was introduced to it at the beach was Bocci ball. It consist of eight large balls and one small ball. You team up and take turns tossing the heavy wooden balls toward the small ball. Each thrower tries to get the closest to the small ball while also knocking others balls away from the target. 
Its a fun game in the yard or on the beach. 


My late father in law has this set of Vintage Bocci Balls from Italy. They are old, wooden and well played out. 


My husband plans to keep this old set and make a nice display for them. They are over a hundred years old. 

Meanwhile we have a new colorful set stored in the camper. We enjoy meeting up with friends on the sand to play.