New Blog Look

Guess what? I won! Yes I entered to win a free blog make over at over at life and linda and two days later I got the memo that I had won!


I now have a "My Fairy Blogmother". 

So, what do you think? 

It was about time It got a face lift and I was planning on eventually giving it a redo but there is only so much you can do from Blogger itself. They have some nice templates but I like my own personality to show through mine. Frankly, I was just too lazy to mess with it. 

Linda contacted me via email and got some ideas of the look I was going for and it took off from there. 
I even learned a few things along the way. 

Did she make it look great or what!? Be sure to visit her site and see example of her other blogger designs.

My blog is not the only thing that got a new look today. My butterfly bush got a nice trim and decor. My daughter came for a visit and we made an Easter tree. We also baked cookies.


My daughter is an adult and lives out on her own. Living 30 minutes from us, she manages to visit every few weekends. When she comes home, my mommy engine goes full throttle. I fix her meals to eat, we bake, shop, tell stories and laugh a lot.... And yes, I have to throw in those life lectures (maybe to much). No matter how old she gets, I somehow can not let her grow out of those fun childlike traditions we have during the holidays. 

Need A Makeover

I have been putting a lot of thought into giving my blog a makeover. I have been blogging for seven years now using the same template. I can't believe I've let this happen. I like change.
I have changed my colors and back ground photo before, but not the layout.

I'm skeerd I will not like it or that it will mess up my other past post. I'm not real smart on the whole "backing up my blog thing", which you need to do before you make any changes, just in case.
However, I could and would figure it out.

Then this happened. I found a blog makeover giveaway over at life and linda. She is also known as "My Fairy Blogmother". I signed up. Maybe I will win. I'll know by Sunday. Fingers crossed.

If I do not win. I may go ahead and tackle it myself. Blogger has introduced some new templates and clean looking layouts. I just don't know if I want the type of layout that readers have to click "read more" to move on to the rest of the story. That's what it seems everyone is doing now. Well see. I think I'm pretty good with HTML codes once I get into them. That's something MySpace (before facebook) taught me years ago when I used to help my daughter set up her site. MySpace was all by HTML codes. Now I know why older folks leaned more toward Facebook. ha!

So, I'll sit here and wait to see if I win a blog makeover.
Either way, be prepared to see a change coming soon to my blog look. Don't worry, The name and link with stay the same. Just the layout will look different. If I don't chicken out first it will be sometime next week.

I hope in the process I do not lose anything. Wish me luck.

The Tomato Pincushion


Remember back to your mother or grandmother. Do you remember seeing a tomaoto Pin cushion sitting around their home somewhere? I bet you did. I bet you at least have seen one in someones house you know.
I remember my mom had one. In fact, I think she still uses it.


Back in the middle ages, Pins and needles were costly. Women would use pin cushions not only to store their pins and needles but would also use pin cushions to display these expensive necessities. By the 1700's pin pillows were more for decoration than for use.

Back in the Victorian era, A tomato was placed on the mantels of new homes. It was a folklore that they were used to ward off evil spirits. When they realized that tomatoes were not always in season, people started makeing pillowed tomatoes out of cloth and stuffed them with sand or saw dust. Through out the years, the stuffed tomato became a good luck symbol eventually doubling as a pin cushion. this is why most pin cushions are still round.


Attached to the top of the tomato pin cushion, is a small stuffed strawberry. This was filled with sand or originally emery which was fine metal shavings. The strawberry was used to sharpen the pins and needles.

Pretty cool huh? So, if your mom had one, it was probably because everyone else had one. If she sewed, It was used a lot, and my moms did just that.

I bet your thinking back or looking around the house right now, huh?.

Arbonne -My Review

I'm just putting it out here.

I'm a 47 year old Mom. I have wrinkles and I have gray hair hidden under a bottle of root touch up.
I do not feel my age but I can see it when I look in the mirror. I love the sun and I have skin damage.
When I take selfies I tend to hold the camera up above my head looking up to camouflage the laugh lines and crows feet. I have age spots and freckles. The struggle is real.

So when a friend of mine asked if I would like to try a product called Arbonne. I figured, why not?
I usually shy away from independent consultants selling products. I do not like being pushed to "join" or "host" parties, but I was willing to give this one a try by sampling some of the skin products and more.

It really scared me when she asked if I would take some before and after photos. "What? no make up? Show my wrinkles? Oh crap! I guess I will. Some make up will be applied but I will not use any filters or editing as I want to see the real results, so bare with me as I brave the task.

Arbonne has everything you need to stay healthy, from skin care to nutrition. Its made of pure safe botanical ingredients that are scientifically tested and with no animal or by-products. Whether you want to feel great, get fit or have great skin, Arbonne has the solution. They also offer acne solutions, makeup,and hair products. They even offer products for men and babies.

At the end of my post, I will have the links to find these products and much more from Arbonne Consultant Heather.

Within a couple days, I received a package in the mail full of some really cool samples to try from Arbonne. Including skin care products, fit chews, fizzy energy drink sticks, eye shadow and face wash along with interesting information on Arbonne Products.

The first thing I tried was the Genius nightly Resurfacing Pad which made my facial skin look and feel healthier after just one application.
I followed this with the "Lifting and Contouring Eye Cream". It's made to lift skin around the eye area to give a more awaking appearance as it firms and tightens.

             Results of the lifting and contouring eye cream.

Did I like it?:
After applying the eye cream, I felt some tingling on my skin. This only lasted a couple seconds then I could actually feel the skin tightening. No redness and no irritation.

Did it work for me?
I think it did pretty good within two days. I can see a little difference. I think it plumped a few of those creases around my eyes. The little bags under my eyes seem to diminished dramatically.
I can imagine how well it would work after the recommended 8 weeks. I give this one a thumbs up.


Next I tried the "RE9 Advanced Set".
This is a five step daily process that includes cleanser, regenerating toner, renewal serum, corrective eye cream, and day/night repair and restore cream with broad spectrum SPF 20.

Did I like it?:
First I have to say I loved the refreshing smell. It had a citrus orange aroma as I applied it each day and that awakened me enough alone! It also had a tingling sensation that only lasted a couple seconds. My face felt clean and fresh all day even under make up. I liked the toner and renewal serum best as it made my face feel fresh and smooth.

Did it work for me?
Since it was only a sample, I could not get the full effects. But after a few applications, I could see a slight difference in my appearance. It made my face feel refreshed. I really noticed the toning of my skin and almost felt like not wearing any makeup. The blotchy redness I usually have on my face was lighter and less noticeable and my skin felt tighter. I give this a thumbs up.


My package of samples also included a couple of the "Energy Fizz Sticks" .
These you add to your water for a refreshing bubbly flavor and burst of energy without the caffeine or dangerous ingredients in the canned energy drinks. These are a great kick start before workouts. They have antioxidants and include a blend of Ginseng and Guarana combined with vitamin B to temporarily help promote alertness and enhance performance.

Did I like it?
It was OK. At first sip, It tasted to me like drinking an Alka-seltzer, blahh! But after I chilled it a bit and drank more, it wasn't so bad. It was like a flavored soda water. My favorite flavor was the Pomegranate but the citrus was OK too. I've heard others say they love these.

Did it work for me?
It gave me a little energy. By 3:00 in the afternoon, I usually start feeling sluggish and tired. This fizzy drink enhancer kept me energized enough to feel good until dinner time. It actually helped with some hunger cravings too. However, to be honest. I'm not a big fan of energy drinks.


Arbornne has a whole catalogue of products that are healthy and good for you. I was a little spectacle after reading some other reviews but I think these products will hold up to their name. I had no side effects and was pleased with the effects I saw. You should give them a try.
You can contact Heather through these links. She will be happy to help answer any of your questions and lead you to the products you need to look younger and feel healthier.

Click here to view catalog and purchase

Heathers Blog: My Journey with arbonne  (fun read)

Note: I am not affiliated or being paid by Arbonne. These are my own volunteered, honest opinions and the results are real.
Individual results can differ. 

My Ear Update

Im being a little slow on my blogging. It will get better soon.
I've just been a little busy. Between working and fighting my ear problem, Ive been working up some crochet chemo hats for a loved one.

I'm still suffering something aweful with my ear. I have tinnitus (ring ears). I could have meniere desease. It's  more advance symptoms of tinnius, that includes vertigo, sound sensitivity and inner ear pressure. I'm feeling it all.


Im currently taking "Lipo Flavonoid" for relief, but so far it has not helped. The bottle says it can take up to 30 days to work and so far Ive been taking it for about 15 days. I don't have much faith in it.
Unfortunatly, there is no cure for Tinnitus or Meniere's Desease. There are only some relief remedies.


Since I haven't been sleeping well, it was suggested I get a white noise machine. This did help some during the night but I worried so much that it would keep Nick awake, I couldn't relax. He assures me each night that it doesn't, so I'll continue.

A friend told me last week to take two shots of whiskey before I go to bed.
Now, my daddy always told me to stay away from that stuff.  Sorry dad, I had to try it.
It didn't work so no worries on me becoming an alcoholic. Ha.

Tonight I'm gonna try some Melatonin to see if it helps me sleep. Just like the Flavonoid, its not a drug. Just natural ingredients.
I stay away from medicines unless its Allegra for allergies or Ibuprofen for Pain.

The doctors are shocked when I tell them im not on any medication. Women my age are usually on something. Not this girl. I hope to never have to rely on a drug. I'd rather drink the whisky.
Just kidding.

It's off to bed now. Hopeing for finally a good night sleep.