Beach with a chance of frost

Beach with a chance of frost? Yes, frost was in the forecast for the weekend we decide to go to the beach. Last weekend it was sunny in the 60s and this weekend it was rainy and in the 40's.

When we got down to coast it was surprisingly sunny, but windy, and in the 50's. Our camper was sitting pretty under the sun and palm trees. We knew the temperature was going to drop down into the 20's at night so we had to pack for all types of weather. Packing for a three day trip was like packing for a week. 

After everything was set up and unpacked, we took a walk on the beach.

 I tried to walk with my feet in the water but the water was so cold it would numb your toes.

After a freezing cold night, the next morning was the same as the day before. Sunny and windy but cooler and in the 40's.

Beautiful as ever. I could live down here without a second thought.
Then come Saturday with 100% chance of rain. And rain it did. all day long. But that still didn't stop our morning walk. We walked in the rain, it was cold but it was fun. I have to say, this is the first time, that I can remember that I've ever walked on the beach with shoes on.
It ended up poring hard on us after we were about a mile up the beach. Needless to say, we got pretty wet and really cold.

The birds had no problem playing in the waves.


They were lovely and graceful. Well, graceful until they saw a fish and splashed dived into the water. hahaha.
We spent the rest of the day shopping and meeting some family for dinner at our favorite hamburger joint.
I'm already looking forward to several more trips to the beach this year just like every year. This is our home away from home. 

Windows EIGHT

A few post back, I had asked some of my readers their opinion on what would be best to purchase for my personal computer. Either a tablet or a net book. Most recommend a tablet or Ipad but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted a normal key board. I do alot of typing.

I had a net book and loved it until I dropped it, so I went with a net book again since I mainly want to use it to take on vacations so I can load photos, look at emails, search the Internet, and blog. ok, well thats all I do anyways on my laptop and desktop but I like having a keyboard for all that jazz.

Anyway, little did I know I would have another choice. Windows 7 or Windows 8?
I went the little more expensive route and choose the Windows 8. I was aware it would be different and confusing since all the feed back it gets is negative. I figured this is what everything is coming to and I like a challenge anyway, so... Here I am....on my desk top. Ha ha.

I turned on the little net book last night and played around with it for about an hour and WHOA, It was really different! Colorful though, don't ya think?

The desktop looks nothing like I've seen the past 20 years. It works alot like Ipads and tablet. You load apps from the Windows store and they appear here. There is not a start screen.
This is mostly made for touch screen computers which my new little net book does not have touch screen therefore making it a little more challenging. I can get through this! If I cant, there is actually an app that takes me to a desktop that looks familiar but I'm gonna try and use the app version first.

There are alot of videos and sites that explain how to use Windows 8 and Ive been exploring. Here are a couple. Check them out.
I think I will like it once I get used to it. It takes me to a whole new world of computers other than what I'm used to. I will take if for a spin this weekend. First I have to find a blogger app. Wish me luck.