
 This is my blogging view today.

It’s day three here on the beach and we have been sitting out here watching the waves and people. It’s not too crowded this week so far but more crowded than usual in the middle of August.

We sat with some beach friends earlier in the week and enjoyed some good laughs and cutting up. 

As we sit here, we can see way off in the distance about 2.5 miles at some small boats and a large barge. I think that’s what it’s called. It was a large flat vessel with a crane on it. Jack with the Shiplog blog can correct me on that. He’s a sailor man.

On August 8th a tugboat sank 30 ft deep off the coast of Myrtle Beach. They rescued three people and spent several days retrieving the 59 foot push tug from the ocean. As we sat here in the comfort of our beach chairs and umbrella, I couldn’t help but think about the hot struggles they were having out there as the pulled in the tugboat. I just hope the money was good. 

The tugboat was finally brought to shore yesterday and moved to a South Carolina shipyard. I wonder why they didn’t just leave it on the bottom of the ocean? Maybe it was the loads of fuel and oil? Maybe it was too shallow to be safe for other boats? But I’m glad no one was hurt and families were reunited. 

Later that afternoon, we cleaned up and went to one of our favorite places to eat. A place called Taco Mundo. We love sitting out on the patio over looking the inlet where there are boat docks full of fancy yachts. But this time, there was a little entertainment. We got to actually watch a reverse activity of a tugboat pushing a barge between some buoys and under a drawbridge. 

That was all the excitement for today. I don’t remember ever seeing a tugboat before.  Have you?



  1. Ahhhh glad to see you are enjoying a trip to the beach. Yep you covered the description very well methinks. Tugs are very TOUGH and powerful crafts. WE always felt close to home when we were met by the tugs. All the ships I was on took tugs to get them into place along a dock.
    Stay safe and don't get burned. tis hot here in Florida. We will head back to NC for a couple weeks for DR's appts then head back to Florida.
    Love you guys... ENJoY!

  2. Glad you are relaxing at the beach, know how you love it there.
    What a shame about the tugboat.

  3. Happy Beaching! That is amazing that they raised that boat! Wow. I am worried about our sailor friend, Jack, here. He has talked about health issues and weight loss. He is a gem in the world of blogging. xo Diana

  4. Having your boat sink is definitely a bad day on the water!

    I see tug boats at Norfolk in the ship yard periodically on my way to the beach. :)
