Bucket Light

When you go camping, you see a lot of cool things people do to be resourceful. It’s fun to see camping hacks that cost little to nothing to make. You also see neat survival techniques and ways to save space. I get fascinated.

I have seen several different ways to light up your camping space but one that I just had to make was a bucket light. It was easy to make and this one only costed me a dollar for the light and a dollar for the batteries at the dollar tree.

You can get three to five gallon buckets from a hardware store for a few dollars but I knew where I could find a smaller bucket for free. When I used to work at Belks, they would have buckets of hand sanitizer wipes placed at the registers for employees. They would throw them away once they become empty. I got my hands on one before it hit the trash can. 

Optionally, you can add a picture or saying on the side. I asked my Sister to make me a vinyl decal to put on mine. She did a good job and I love it. We took it with us to the beach and hung it in the center of our picnic shelter. It was a great light. Since It has a battery operated light in it, I could use it inside if the power went out or carry it down to the ocean at night for some romantic lighting. A five gallon bucket light would make a nice lighted seat during a night of fishing.


To get the different colors I just placed colored solo cups over the little battery light on the inside. Most people purchase better lighting with larger lights that have a remote control for on and off and color changing. I didn’t want to get all that fancy. I just wanted a little light and it’s perfect. 


I have been at the beach all this week. It is absolutely my favorite place to be. However, I have never been here in the Winter but I think I would enjoy it just the same. I feel like I am away from the bad things in the world when I am down here. The internet is bad and half the time the cable goes out but that gives me a chance to reflect on the nature around me. 

The days have been hot and sunny but we fight the pop up showers that come around 2:00 each afternoon and last about 15 minutes. One afternoon, Nicks brother and his girlfriend came to spend time with us on the beach. It was sunny one minute and all of a sudden it came a down pour. Everyone huddled under their beach umbrellas until it passed, but not me. I mean, we had on our swim suits so why not just get wet? I stepped out from under the umbrellas and played in the rain. Needless to say, they stayed dry and I looked like a wet rat the rest of the day. Ha. 

We went walking down the beach one day and we could see the rain in the horizon. It looked like we were walking right into the storm but we could tell it was moving West and away. It was a beautiful sight. We would also sat on the sunny beach and watch the rain bans move across the ocean. It was amazing. 

There was one day, so far,  that was a wash out. There was no lighting or thunder but we could hear the rain pounding on the roof. It was raining so hard, you could not see out. We could hear the strong winds flip a few awnings from other campers. We never leave our awning out for this reason. The weather is so unpredictable at the beach. So we stayed in and watched lifetime movies until the rain tapered off that evening just in time for us to go out to dinner. That night it was clear and we took our chairs out to the beach and sat under the stars and talked about life. 

We have a few more days down here before it’s back to the real world. It looks like it will be sunny from here out.