Giving Thanks

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is here again already? I love Thanksgiving. I love the smell of food on the stove and in the oven. Me and Nick both have managed to get the day off after thinking we were going to have to work. Now I get to spend all day with my husband, daughter and family.

Thanksgiving is busy for us. I have my side of the family that cooks a meal, and then I have my husbands side of the family that cooks. Me and my husband cook a dish or two to share at each place. We always have to work around our schedule to enjoy the company of both sides. It can be stressful and filling! I get stuffed! Everyone has such wonderful food its hard to turn it away. 

I  hope everyone has a place to enjoy time with the people they love, to share stories with, to laugh with and just be thankful for what the Lord has given you and not worry about the things you do not have.

I hope every family can find a place around the table instead of scattered throughout the house watching TV.  I hope talks are full of laughter and not talks of politics, work, or of hard times.

Time with family is precious and does not need to be taken for granted. If you do not have a family, I hope you realize that you ARE the family and there are friends, churches and shelters that are full of people that will be thankful you come around to share time with.

I'm Thankful for..........

The stress of deciding where to have dinner first.
Because, this means I have family that wants to be together.

The cleaning and dusting, the lawn that needs mowed, and the things that need fixing.
Because, this means I have a home.

The clothes that are too tight.
Because, this means I have enough to eat.

All the complaining I hear about the government.
Because, this means we have freedom of speech.

The huge heating bill.
Because, this means I am warm.

The piles of laundry
Because, this means I have clothes to wear.

The birds outside singing.
Because, this means I can hear.

For the parking space I have to take at the far end of the parking lot.
Because, this means I am capable of walking.

For the alarm that goes off in the morning.
Because this means I have a job or church to go to.

For the sunshine.
Because this means God has given me another day.


Customized iPhone Home Screen

Just about everyone has a smart phone of some sort now days. It has become an important necessity in life. This is were we keep our grocery list, calendars, store our photos, do our work, and let’s face it, all of our friends are inside there. 

We like to have our own style of phone cases and personalized settings. But did you know you can personalize your home screen with custom app icons? As I was playing around the other day, I discovered some new tricks on my iPhone. I learned that with the IOS14 update, I can created cute and fancy icons by using the shortcut app that is already on there by default. It was a little time consuming so I just chose my favorite apps to customize as the first page when I turn on my phone, AKA home screen.

I went from the normal bright colorful icons like this...

To soft beiges like this....

I also chose a Christmas or Winter background. Cute huh?
It is now more fun to look at my screen as it is easier and more relaxing on my eyes. 

First you have you have to search and download “ iPhone aesthetic app icons”.  There are a lot of free ones or for a just a couple of dollars, you can head over to Etsy and find whole sets made and ready to download and use. I found mine at  Cove Design.
Then save the photos of icon you want to your photo storage.

-Click your “shortcut app” then click on the “+”.
Add action and search “open app”.
-Now choose an app (for example Facebook”).
-Click on the three little dots at the top right.
-Name your shortcut and click “add to home screen”.
-Name it again and click the icon to the right of the name.
-Choose photo. Then click “Add” at the top right. 
Boom! There you have it. 

Don’t worry, your original icon and app is still there. What you just created is actually a “shortcut” to the app and can be removed anytime without messing up the original. 
Once you have shortcuts to the ones you use the most, all you have to do now is move the icons around to the home screen (this is the first screen you see when you turn on your phone).

To add a back ground:
Just find a photo you already have or from another site and save it as your background. 

I understand that most of you have no idea what I just said or what in the world I’m even talking about but there are several step by step videos online that can also help you customize your iPhone. Have fun!