What a Day!

Warning: This post is not for the squeamish.

I admit. I love the sun....Ok most of you know that....I have always kept a tan during the summer months, weather it be by tan bed or beach chair. 
I rarely sunburn, and when I do get a sun burn its minimal. But the sun evidently has been damaging my skin. (Ha, and I thought it was just old age).
I see a lot more brown spots and freckles now that I have turned 50 than when I was 49. Seriously. 

Well, let’s ignore the brown spots for now. I found a red spot. Yes, among the age sun spots and new freckles, I noticed a teeny tiny red spot on my forehead. It would get a little scaly at times and sometime would shine through my make up. There was just something about this tiny spot that drew my attention to it every time I looked in the mirror. 

So I had it looked at last week. They did a biopsy to make sure it was nothing cancerous and sent me home with care instructions and a band aid. 

I got a call yesterday to let me know that the little red spot was indeed a form of cancer called “Basil Cell Carcinoma”. This is the less serious form of skin cancer but still needs to be removed. So they took me in today to get the job done.

I am never sick and I’m healthy so this was a little traumatic to me. I mean, “what a day”.

They did some cutting and digging and sent me back to the waiting area until they made sure they got it all. 
After about a 20 minute wait, the nurse comes in and says “we need to take you back again and cut out some more, we did not get it all”. So after a little more chiseling, I was sent back out to the waiting room. After another 20 minutes the nurse arrives again and says “good news, we got it all that time. Now you will have wait for about 30 minutes and we will get the surgeon to stitch you up”. 

I waited 45 minutes.

The stitches are on the inside and glue on the outside. 

I never listened to people when they stressed for me to wear sunscreen. I will take it more serious and take more precautions when I’m out in the sun for now on. Sunscreen will be my friend. A tan is not worth the trouble. I will also be scheduling a full body check once I get a job and my feet back on the ground. 

Speaking of job. I finally got a call for an interview next Monday. I hate that I will go looking like Frankenstein but it is what it is. Stay tuned about that and wish me luck. 

New Shop Look and QVC

I finally got my house back in order after the Christmas and New Years celebrations. I am ready to start decorating for Valentines Day. January can just fly by if it wants to. I am not a fan of Winter. Though we do get most of our snow in February and March, at least I know that Spring is just around the corner.

I have been busy crocheting some new items for my Etsy Shop. I have changed it up a bit. I used to have a lot random crochet items for sale. Many were hard to duplicate for those who wanted a different color or size. I get sore eyes from crocheting colors I do not like. I get bored and tired of looking at it. My favorite colors to crochet with are more earthy tones. Some may call it drab but I enjoy it much better. Just something about the cozy warm feeling of natural colors.

So, I have decided to just sell more “basic” items. Things that will be easy to whip up for a custom order. There is no fancy frill, lace or ruffles. Just plain basic items that can be used every day. This also allows me to use better grades of yarn. 
Along with new items, I even changed the look of my shop title and logo. So please head over there and check it out. Let me know what you think!

Today, I will be rushing home after church service in time to make a phone call.
I will be calling into QVC at 12:20pm today. I will be talking to Marie Osmond about my success in losing 50 lbs on Nutrisystem. Though the call only last about 3 minutes, I am always nervous and forget what I want to say. I have even tried jotting down some key words to help me out but I usually never think to look down at them. I am too busy watching the TV screen. It will be fun though and always an honor. There will also be other success stories calling in. Some of them I have met at photo shoots. They are all genuine and a pleasure to be around.

Nutrisystem will be on QVC for 24 hours with some great values. If you want to lose weight before summer, this will be a great time to get a great deal. 

Tune into QVC January 5th at (or around)12:20 
to hear me speak about my success with Nutrisystem.