Friday Bowl- Extra Protein

I do a lot of walking while I'm here at the beach. So I knew I would need a little extra protein for breakfast for extra energy and also so I don't get hungry before lunch time. This yogurt bowl is loaded with protein for the save. Sometimes it’s hard to make a tablespoon of peanut butter go a long way. The trick is to melt it in the microwave for about 20 seconds and drizzle away. 

Peanut Butter Banana Yogurt Bowl

1 Cup- Fage 0% Plain Greek Yogurt
2 Tablespoon- Oat& Honey Granola
1/2 Banana
1 Tablespoon- Jif Natural Peanut Butter (melted)
Honey Drizzle

303 Calories- 27 g Protein


I have decided to reserve each Friday to share some of my creative food bowls. I have been eating these at least 4 times a week and I feel great. They are easy, healthy and fun. This is part of my new "Clean Eating" Plan. Wish me Luck.

Beach Rules

Growing up, the only rules on the beach I remember were, no thong bikinis, and no glass bottles. 

Things have surely changed. I see a lot of glass bottles. I also see a lot of thong bikinis. Girls (and some guys) do not leave much to the imagination now days. Some girls look to be as young as twelve showing everything God gave them with no shame or modesty. Where are their parents anyway? 

Through the years there have been new rules for our beach here in South Carolina. 

No Pets can be on the beach between during the summer months except before 8 am and after 5 pm. I think this a good rule. No one wants to have to listen to dogs barking or dodging dog poop all day. This also protects children from getting bit by someones dog that “never bites”.

No drinking allowed on the beach. This is the most unbroken rule and never enforced unless someone gets out of hand. 

No bikes are allowed between 8 am and 5 pm. 

No tents or canopies are allowed.

This is what the beach looks like at 7:30 am,

Umbrellas can not be open until 8:00 am. All umbrellas have to be placed behind the lifeguard stand. Everyone gets up early and rushes out to reserve a spot on the beach as it gets crowded quick. The first blue umbrella with the striped chairs you see are ours. Nick makes sure he is in line with the others. This is also the high tide line. The day begins.

By noon, this is what the beach looks like. It’s has been crazy crowded this week.

No matter where you set up, there is always that one family that will put there chairs right slap dab on top of ya and either using fowl language or smoking. Never fails. We just bite out tongue and wait for them to go back in. 

All and all, its has been nice here so far. It’s bright and sunny each day and the water feels great. We ran into some friends and made new ones. 
I love playing in the waves and wish I had a surf board. Ha. I haven’t heard of any jelly fish stings or shark bites so far and hope it stays that way.