Valentine Date

Hope everyone had a happy Valentines Day. My Valentine surprised me with some candy, wine and reservations at a fancy restaurant up town called Webbs Custom Kitchen. The reservations were for 6:00 so I took off work a little early to make time. This was our first visit to this restaurant but it was not the first time inside this building.

Webbs Custom Kitchen gets it name from it's history that dates back to 1920 when it was a popular movie house call none other than the "Webb Theatre" housing one screen and 826 seats. 

Here it is back in the 70’s

Here it is today

The streets were blocked in front of the restaurant because they were filming a Hallmark Movie. I was hoping to walk in the fake snow but unfortunately they had already taken it is a secret. It was only cotton and they just toss it in the trash cans afterwards. 

Walking into the restaurant brought back some memories. I remember daddy taking me to my first movie back in 1976 here. The movie we saw was King Kong. It frightened me and had me in tears at the end. Feels like just yesterday. I also remember daddy taking me to this same movie theater to see the first Star Wars Movie.

As we entered, it was like walking back in time. The original projector was on display and there were other preserved pieces of  history displayed through out. Even though the old building has had major renovations and a new modern look, you can see flashbacks of the rustic brick walls, arched ceiling and balcony that still remain. They had a movie screen showing old black and white (silent) movies during dinner. It themed well with the atmosphere like live art work.

We were seated on the lower section but the staff insisted we go to the balcony seating to get a good view of the movie screen and open view kitchen. They also encourage you to walk up to the kitchen window and take a look at the cooks preparing the meals.

We started off with an appetizer  of “Duck Cigars’”. (We call them duck egg rolls.)
Excuse the blurry photos but I tried to be discreet taking photos at the table. But I mean, A blogger has to do what a blogger has to do.

For our dinner course, we both chose the filet mignon medallions topped with blue cheese on bruschetta.  

I fell in love with the taste of this chocolate Martini. This was the first time I have ever had a Martini. I’'m sure they are not all this good. It was so sweet and creamy.........and small. 
But I just had too...Did I mention it was Godiva?

Oh speaking of desserts, we shared a piece of New York Cheese Cake to finish off the meal.

We took half of our meal and cake home with us because we did not want to leave feeling stuffed, but did leave feeling satisfied and now Nick has enough left overs for another meal while I resort back to Nutrisystem. 

This was a nice valentine treat from my love and we talked about doing it again soon. The food was delicious and the staff was pleasant.

We had a Hollywood night.

Crochet Halters

Today your getting another crochet post. In case your wondering what I have been working on lately,....Com on, I know you have...

Well, I wanted to make some socks....and I did but, Oh my gawsh! While they are cute, they are not something I enjoy walking around on hardwood floors in. Talk about rough on the feet. I felt like I was turning my heels into waffles.

Needless to say, my crochet socks were a fail. Knitted socks are way more comfortable so if anyone would like to make me a homemade pair I would love you forever.....I'm serious.....I'll send you my mailing info, just ask.

So, I decided to crochet these cute little Simple Summer halter tops.

No, silly, not for me.
At 49 (almost 50) years old, I do not think I can rock a halter top.....Ok maybe I'll try this summer who knows. But for now, I just hope to sell them in my Etsy shop so I can have some beach money.

They are simple to make (says the fiber artist). I found a basic pattern and added a few of my own special touches. I also played around with a different stitch..

I made a granny square halter a while back. It still sits in my shop waiting for an owner. Again, I can't pull the look off, but some cute little beach babe or boho chic could.

I think they all turned out adorable and were fun to make. I would pair them with a pair of shorts or boyfriend jeans.

Handmade halters and more at LiLiDi on Etsy

Distressed shorts- Rue21.
Earrings- Sashka Co.
 Fedora- Ebay

Free Pattern to the Original Simple Summer Halter can be found at