Nutrisystem- Success Update

I guess you can say I'm obsessed with Nutrisystem. I have been on the program now over three years. I absolutely love the foods. Not one time have I ever gotten sick or had even the slightest tummy ache from eating any of their foods and believe me, I've tried them all. Do I like them all? Na, there are a few of the meals I will turn my nose up to. However, what I may not find tasty, others may like, so its just a matter of preference.

Nutrisystem has changed my life. I have learned to eat healthier and I feel good. My yearly checkups and blood work are great. I have more confidence and better self esteem. I can now wear the bikinis, tight jeans, and yoga pants proudly. I am about 5 lbs away from the weight I want to be and still have room to enjoy that piece of cake or mama's biscuits every now and again.

I'm far from having the perfect body, but I am happy now in my 49 year old skin. Oh and speaking of skin. Since I have been on Nutrisystem, my skin seems to be more healthy too. I no longer experience the up and downs of oily to dry skin and have not had the adult acne in years. I guess my only complaint is the loose skin I have from losing 50 lbs. I'm working on that.

I have more energy. There were times when I didn't even feel like tying my shoes. I would drag myself in and out of the car and I could forget about sitting on the floor. Honestly, I was just lazy and always bloated from eating junk food. Now I can't wait to get my day started as I jump out of bed after a good night sleep, have a healthy breakfast and head to work feeling giddy with a better attitude. Just kidding. I hate going to work, but I do have a better attitude. sometimes.

During my weight loss journey, I have been invited to three Nutrisystem commercial/ photo shoots and have attended two of them. It's been so much fun meeting a couple celebrities and making new friends that are on the same weight loss journey as me. They all have a different story but at the end of the day we all have inspired each other with our success. Those people you see on any Nutrisystem products or websites are real people just like you and me.

I currently eat a lot of my own foods and maintain my weight with Nutrisystem meals, so my journey is not over. If you have followed me, you know that I also like to experiment with Nutrisystem foods and flex meals (meals that are equivalent to NS meals).

With that being said.....

I am proud to announce that I have been contacted by Nutrisystem to join their team as a Nutrisystem Ambassador! How cool is that? This gives me more opportunity to share my food photos and success stories with others that might be struggling to find the right diet or healthy meals. Be sure to follow @Nutrisystem and me @lilidi_meo on Instagram and/or Facebook. 
You may see more of my blog post about heathy foods (thought I’d never say that! Ha) and diet motivations during the next few months.

I never know where my journey will take me next.

*If you are on Nutrisystem, head over to and enter your success story along with a before and after photo. You never know, you could be the next Nutri-Star. 

*Read my success story here
*Click here for $30.00 off your first order .
*Expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week with Nutrisystem.
(Results may vary with different individuals).

I am not being paid or asked by Nutrisystem to write this blog post. 

Opinions and results are all my own. 

Whats Been Growing in My Garden

I will be the first to tell you I do not have a green thumb. I can kill a plastic plant and that's the truth.
Every Summer I try to grow something. I wish I could grow some tomatoes and cucumbers but every time I get a plant growing, something comes out of the wild and eats it. I'm not sure if its rabbits, birds or squirrels. Though I have seen some raccoons and fox around. Trying to succeed in growing any kind of plant is a struggle for me but I did manage to get a few things growing.

At the beginning of Summer one of the managers at work gave me a sunflower plant that was already about a foot tall so I stuck it in the ground and it grew a couple inches each day until it reached about 8 feet tall and made a beautiful sunflower. Now the petals have fallen off and I'm waiting for time to harvest it so I can give some seeds to my sister and save some for me to replant next year.

Knowing my luck, I will wait too long and the birds will have eaten all the seeds but so far nothing has bothered them. They need a few more days to dry.

I also purchased two egg plants this year. I chose a purple one and a white one. Something keeps eating at them but when I came home from vacation last week, I had a white egg plant!

It's not quiet ready yet. It needs to get a little bigger. I see a few buds on the purple egg plant so I hope they give me some fruit too.

And last but not least, last summer I took a seed from a lemon slice and planted it just to see if it would grow. This is how it looks so far.

I kept it inside all Winter and put it out on the patio during the Summer. It seems to be happy in the sunshine. It also smells wonderful! I'm so afraid it will wilt when I bring it in again this Winter. This is my little buddy.

That's all I have. But of course I didn't break my back or have to use any mules to get this hard work accomplished.