New IceCream Shop in Town

I got news of a new Ice cream shop that opened up about a half mile from my house. I could actually walk there.

It's called Xcite's Sweet Connection.

They specialize in different styles of ice cream from around the world featuring Gelato, Fried Ice Cream, and shaved ice.
What caught my eye was the "rolled ice cream". There were hundreds of flavors to choose from.

Basically they make a mix of the flavors you choose, while spreading it thin to freeze. Then they would carefully roll it, put it in a cup and top it with even more toppings.

(Picture source)
When I heard about  Xcites Sweet Connection, we had to make a family trip over there and try it out. It was the first day so it was crowded and hectic. After a 45 minute wait in line, we got our Ice cream.

I chose the "Salted Carmel Pretzel" and my daughter got "Toasted Marshmallow Smores".

Nick didn't get one but we shared ours with him.

I am not too worried about ruining my diet with this place being so close to me as it's not a doughnut shop or bakery. I like Ice Cream but I have to be in the mood for it.
I do not like to just sit and eat ice cream. I have to be walking around or riding in the car to enjoy a cone of milkshake.

What did I think about it? I thought it was pretty good but a little pricey. I hope they make it, but most places on my end of town do not last more than six months.

Have you ever had rolled Ice Cream (AKA stir fried icecream)?

Ezekiel Bread

Have you ever heard of Ezekiel bread? I haven’t ever heard of it until my daughter came in this past weekend carrying in a loaf for us to try. She found it at Trader Joes ( I think or some kind of health food store). It suppose to be low carb (no flour) and full of health benefits.

Its called “Ezekiel” bread because the recipe can actually be found in the Bible. 

 “Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread.
Ezekiel 4:9

We have already finished the whole loaf off by making several sandwiches for our lunches and I used it one morning for toast. The texture felt dry and stale to the touch but it tasted absolutely delicious. It was great knowing I was eating bread without carbs. 

I am not a health food geek or organic food eater but if I can find food that was made like back in the Bible day, it’s got to be healthy. Wouldn’t you think? 
I kept calling it “Jesus” bread all weekend while my daughter kept correcting me.  

For those that know me, you know that I'm thinking now about making some of my own. 

Has anyone else ever heard of this bread?