Chocolate Avocado Toast

I am a big fan of avocados. I bet you didn't know that an avocado is actually a fruit. Don’t feel bad, I though it was a nut. I like to eat them different ways. I will eat them in guacamole as a side dish to Mexican food or topped on a salad. One of my favorite breakfast items is avocado toast. I put an egg on a piece of toast then top with slices of avocado. This is what my breakfast can look like.

There are many health benefits in this plant food. While it is high in calories, its is low in carbs and saturated fats. Avocados are rich in fiber, and have no sodium making it a great choice in a weight loss diet. Half of an avocado has about 160 calories and a normal serving is 1/4 to 1/2 of an avocado. As long as you watch portion size, you are ok. Avocado will give you a full feeling which helps control snacking between meals. 
Avocados are full of vitamin A, E, K, B6 and Potassium. They have more potassium than a banana. 

With all that being said, I have tried to include avocados in a couple meals each week. It boost immune system and promotes healthy skin. 

Ok enough with the benefits of this fruit. Let me tell you about the new way I found to make avocado toast. Chocolate avocado. Yes you read that right. Chocolate! Now I win all the way around!

I mean, who doesn't like chocolate? Right? Ok, I sense some of your noses snarling up in eww. Well, let me tell you, this is actually good. It has just the right sweetness I need to get my morning started. It taste a lot like chocolate pudding. Who would have thought you can make a sweet chocolate concoction with a fruit? Come on give it a try.

Chocolate Avocado Toast

1/2 avocado 
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 teaspoon maple syrup or honey (I mix mine).
Mix well and spread on toast and top with fruit (optional).

Though Nick said it looked like poop on toast, he decided to taste it anyway. He didn’t say much, but I think he liked it. I will be making this again. 

I have shared this at these wonderful Link Parties:


We finally got my daughter and her roommate moved into their new apartment. It was nice not to have to drive back and forth moving them. We only had to go floor to floor and hall to hall. Her new apartment is on the other side of the complex from the other one but its all indoors. All they have left to do is some final cleaning of the old one and they are done. 

About 1:30 we were getting hungry so we took a break and walked a block to a little sandwich shop called  Lincolns Haberdashery. Nick bought us all some lunch. My daughter ended up buying us an ice cream cookie sandwich on the way back. It was delicious and huge. We all had a share of it and she had enough left over to eat later for a snack. I wish I would have gotten a photo of it. 
However, I did get a shot of this darling little idea with spaghetti sticks they had at the coffee bar. 

Speaking of coffee bar, they had what is called a “Affogato”. It was espresso poured over ice cream and amaretto liqueur then and topped with chocolate, caramel and biscotti sprinkles. It looked delicious but I didnt get one this time. 
Around here we would have just called it a “coffee float”

When we got finished eating, Nick stayed busy getting all the curtains, pictures and mirrors hung while we moved little things. I got my 10k steps in before noon. I could have stayed longer than we did but she was wanting to get ready to take her boyfriend out for his birthday. 

Speaking of going out. Me and Nick had planned to do our anniverary dinner this weekend. Now we are exhausted and just want to lay around. 
Oh well, everyday is a special day for us. We can always go out another time. Your childrens needs are always first priority. 

Now its back to work hope this week is better.
Happy Monday.