Gifts For Neighbors

My daughter came in yesterday and will hang around until after Christmas. I mentioned baking cookies, so she arrived a little early. However, we did not get to the cookie part. She helped me make some other goodies to deliver out to the neighbors. I usually wait until Christmas Eve to deliver, but because of the nature of their gift, I wanted them to have it early. 

This year for the neighbors, I chose to make “Christmas Potpourri” and then I added a tin of chocolate peanut butter cookies and a slice of my home made fudge. We made our rounds and delivered. I wanted them to have time to enjoy the aroma of Christmas a couple days before Christmas.  I hope they enjoy it.

Today we will bake my favorite Pecan snowball cookies.. We will also make some sausage balls. 
Sausage balls have become a traditional Christmas eve late night snack or Christmas morning breakfast as they are quick to grab with a cup of coffee before the gift unwrapping frenzy begins. Christmas Day is usually a busy one for us. 

Do you have a favorite treat you always make at Christmas? 


Boy am I glad this week is coming to an end. It’s been slow in the office so that makes my days longer. 
This morning at work I set out some cookies and had coffee brewing for the employees to start their morning. 

Last night I finally got busy making my Christmas goodies. I made fudge and peanut butter balls so far. Tonight I will be making a couple different kinds of cookies. My daughter likes to help so I have put the cookie baking off until she gets home tonight. Then we will pack Christmas tins for the neighbors and make deliveries. 

Luckily we got our Christmas shopping done before December but every day it seems like there is that one little thing I forgot to get or some kind of ingredient I needed for a recipe. So we head back out to the stores. It’s not so bad when your not rushed to find gifts. 
But sadly I can not do it alone. It’s just too dangerous to even go to a fast food restaurant anymore. We have pan handlers that will approach your windows while your in line at the drive through. Sorry, But I can’t stand a pan handler.

And then we have Grinches!!

I hate to write about bad news, but im tellin ya, it’s been crazy around my town this week. The bad guys want to put a damper on everyones Christmas shopping. I mean, everytime we settled in for the night we would hear on the news the things that are going on. We would look at each other and say “we just missed that” or “we got out of the store just in time”. For example, Our local Walmart was evauated an hour after we had been shopping there. The police came in with guns drawn and asked everyone to leave their merchandise and get out of the store . There was a possible shooter in the store. It ended up being two men quirling. 
That was just the beginning of the week.

The rest of the week there was something every day. Here is some to name a few. 
Armed Robbery at the Family Dollar Store- I mean “its a dollar store for heaven sake” how much you think you gonna get?
Armed Robbery at Wendys- Really?
Armed Robbery at Bojangles- Ok, so their BoBerry biscuits ARE that good.
Lowes caught fire.
And just today, up the road at Big Lots, two employees were attacked. 

I think it’s best I stay in for the weekend and keep on baking. I will be spending quality time with my daughter and we have church and some family get togethers to attend. It’s gonna be alright.
I refuse to let the grinches steal my joy. 

Tis the Season.