Camping Flag

One of our favorite ways to vacation is by camping in our travel trailer at our favorite campground. Once we get there we get the camper leveled out, sewer hooked up and wheels chocked. While my husband is busy doing those things, Im on the inside putting linens on the bed and gettting the purties in place. Once we have done our part setting up the camper, I will hang our name sign up, cover the picnic table and attach the clothesline. 

Everyone in the campground shows off their name and where they are from. We currently have a sign in the shape of an ice cream cone that my father in law made for us when we first started camping as a married couple. It’s beginning to weather and fade. We let the daughter repaint it once already. 

Next time we settle in at the campground, I have something new to mark our spot.
A camping flag

We have some friends we met when our daughter was in high school. We both had daughters in sports, therefore we were all members of the booster club. 

They own an embroider shop called New Era Embroidery  We have drifted apart the past couple years after they have become grandparents and life got busy. We rarely see them anymore unless we run into each other at the bank.
Well, now their daughter has gotten busy. She creates lovely things with screen printing from the same business. You can find her facebook page HERE. Stop by and tell her hello sometime and like her fb page while your at it.

I noticed the other day that one of the things she creates are custom made garden flags. I have been looking for someone thats does this kind of work and was delightd to know she was the one. 

I drew up a not so fancy draft of what I wanted it to say then asked her to add a little camper in the center.  She worked on the design and after a couple minor changes, she emailed me a photo. “Is this what you want?” 
“perfect” Thats just what I asked for. 

We had a fall festival uptown Saturday and she had a booth set up there. I stopped by and picked up my new flag. I cant wait to show it off when I get back down to my “Wheel Estate” on the sand. 

Halloween Craft Ideas

I’ve made several crafts for Halloween through the years. 
Today im short on words so I’m just sharing some links to my favorite creations.

Most of these were made free with things laying around the house or less than 5.00.


Cheese Cloth Ghost. Fun and easy. This is my most favorite.

Book Pumpkin Just grab an old book

DIY Mummies With just a couple whatnots

Painted Pumpkins fun with My daughter

Cheese Pumpkins delicious and easy

Lace Pumpkin Panty hose here yall

Bundt Pan Wreath Grandmas pan.