Update- Results Are In

So if you have been following my post you know my delima but ill make it short....
Starting July 6th I began having chest pains and no energy. The pains radiate to my right side all the way around to my back shoulder blades. I get shortness of breath and a scary feeling when a spasm hits. 
Ive had an ER visit, 3 EKGs, a consult with Cardiologist and an ultra sound. All test come back negative. I really thought for sure it was my gallbladder. Im glad for good reports but now Im broke, have no answers and dread seeing the bills that will begin piling in soon. 
I have already heard " well there goes our moving plans or beach place plans for a while". Ughhh! 

Now Im' just going to go on with life. I hope whatever is ailing me will just go away. I refuse to go back to the doctor. If it were serious, I'm sure I would have an anwer. So I'm going to go on and try not to get scared with every chest pain. The doctor did mention possible Anxiety but thats not me.....wait, did I hear wine?

I am a usual cheery and energetic person and I hope to get back to that but for now I simply do not feel like walking even to the end of the driveway.  

Maybe its just stress. I hope I feel better soon. These chest pains are scary at times. 

Oh, and I did cancel my stress test scheduled for next week. If they were that concerned, they wouldn't make me wait yet another week. I'm tired and broke and I have beach to do soon. 

Now back to more happy blog post .

Owie Oui

Owie- The pain I'm induring since July 6th. Not sure what's going on. I've thought gallbladder since the beginning but the doctor seems more concerned about my heart. My heart is fine I tell ya! All test on it are good, therfore I'm cancelling the stress test scheduled next week. I do not see the point when the Cardiologist says hes not concerned either but "just to make sure". At this point, they are just stealing my money. I simply can not afford more test only to be put off another week. I still have no answers or relief of my chest, and right side pains. I don't look or act sick so they are not taking me serious. I guess I'll wait til I'm bleeding from my eyes and passed out on the floor.
I finally got an ultra sound done yesterday on my gallbladder and kidneys, so I sit here at work today and wait.

Oui- My new found yogurt. I try to eat yogurt when I can, but honestly, I hate yogurt. I do not like the sour tangy kind. There is one other kind I like but it seems to contribute to more pain in my mid area so im laying off of it for a while til I figure out what's going on. I still say gallbladder. Why hasn't my phone rang with my results yet???
Anyway, this "Oui" yogurt is by Yopait. Its not Greek or Chinese. It's French. 
And why am I blogging about yogurt? I have no idea.

I discovered these during a trip to Walmart. Despite the cute glass containers, they are delicious. 
They are not tangy or sour. The have the texture of creamy pudding. The fruit on the bottom is real fruit. 

Aren't they darling? At only a dollar each, I plan to stock up on these cuties. The are perfect for any snack or small meal. 

Oh and did I mention, they are healthy? 

Stay tuned here for my doctor results as I do not publish on Facebook.