I Think I Figured It Out

If you have read back a few post you may remember me complaining of inner ear problems.
Its fixed now.....

It started in both ears, lots of ringing and buzzing in them. It would literally make it hard for me to sleep. Then it progressed to dizziness and that full and stopped up feeling like you experience when going up elevations such as a ride through the mountains. I eventually lost most of my hearing in my left ear temporarily. The doctor suggested it was allergies. I suffered for Three weeks.

Being an allergy sufferer all my life, I knew this was more than an allergies. What could it be? 
I'm in my late 40's and believe it or not, The only drugs in my body is Allegra for allergies and Tylenol if I ever get a headache, cramps or achy knees. Ive always taken those and know they have no side effects. The only "new thing" I started taking was multivitamins. 

The doctors told me I lacked vitamin D. I was given high doses of Vitamin D for two months then once I was out of the woods, I began taking a multivitamin with vitamin D. That's when the problem started.

So I stopped them.
The ears started clearing up.
I thought "hmm"
So I took them again just to see and my ear started acting up again.
So I stopped the vitamins and my ears are now fine.

Lack of Magnesium.

Vitamin D requires magnesium to work in the bloodstream. This process requires and even uses up magnesium in the process, creating sudden signs of a magnesium deficiency I didn't even know I had. This will effect the inner ear and cause the symptoms I was having.

I'm happy to know this because I'm loving how the multivitamins make my nails and hair so healthy.
Now I can just change my formula. 
And eat more nuts and broccoli

I'm not a doctor. My sources came from google and this is my own diagnosis for my ear problem. If you are suffering any unexplained illness, please see a doctor.

Pokemon Go Craze

If you know any teens (and many adults too), then you've heard bout the new craze thats hit the game world.
"Pokemon Go".
I refuse to play but thinks its a genius way to keep the cellphone companies in business. They say its a good way to get people out walking around. But what good is that if they have their nose stuck in a phone. As if texting wasnt bad enough.


They even play here at work. I've actually seen the managers jump in their car and ride up the road because their phone gave them a signal that there is a pokemon monster or something down the road, over the bridge and through the field. So off they Go. There was one in my office the other day but I had to be playing the game to see it. Oh well. I wish they reacted like that when there is a spider in my office.

As we were riding through downtown the other day, the place was crawling with people looking down at their cell phones chasing virtual animation. It was a crazy sight. I called them "phone zombies".  It looked like scene from the walking dead. Check out one of the scenes here from the "PlowingThroughLife" Blog. Shes seeing the same thing in her state.

Anyway. I decided to jump into the action my way by crocheting a few of these poke'ball pet hats. I've seen some human hats just like this selling, so I figured I add the pets in on the fun. 

My shop is closed for a few days due to vacation. These cute little hats will be ready to order once I reopen this weekend. Say hello to my model "Tucker". He belongs to one of my customers and is my favorite model for my crochet pet hats. Isn't he adorable?

Meanwhile, I'll sit here on the beach and make fun of the boys watching their phones instead of watching the girls.