Ivy Buds

Ive mentioned before about my huge Dogwood tree that has been taken over by Ivy. In the Winter the tree leaves fall leaving nothing but the tangled vines of evergreen.

I sit on the patio and watch the bees swarm through the branches. I hate bees but I leave these alone each year because they leave me alone. We have this secret agreement. They work so hard pollinating the tree or are they pollenating the ivy? 

I couldn't help but notice all the Ivy buds. They looked like tiny fireworks exploding in the sunset. I had to grab my camera ipad and take some photos. I mean, I get excited of any fancy growth in the yard thats not concidered weeds. On the other hand, Ivy could be a weed since its a neucience. Like Kudzu.

Who knew those bees would eventually create a tiny jungle in my yard. 

"A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs:
And if these pleasures may move,
Come live with me, and be my love"

                     ~Christopher Marlowe
(The Passionate Shephard to His Love)

Largest Flag

Happy Fourth of July. There are a lot of things going on to celebrate Americas Birthday. My city is having a thing going on uptown that we may check out in a little while. It last all day long and ending with fireworks at night. For now, I'm enjoy a cup of coffee and curled in a chair chillaxing on my day off.

As I look out of the windows, across through the neighborhood, The porches and yards are decorated in American themes and many fly their american flags.

Years ago there was big news about a big flag in my town. It is known as one of the largest flying American flags in the world. It sits at the foot of Crowders Mountain. I can see the mountain from my neighborhood.

It is visible 30 miles of its location. I'm only about 5 miles from it. I've seen it before on my drives, but knowing its one of the largest, makes it a cool sighting. It is not always flying. In fact they only fly it 2 or 3 times a year on special occasions.

This flag is a result of the efforts of The Gaston Chapter of the United Veterans of America

  • It is visible 30 miles from its location
  • The total flag is 7,410 sq ft
  • 65 ft tall
  • 114 ft wide
  • Weighs 185 lbs
  • Each 13 stripes is 5 ft high
  • Each 50 stars is 4ft tall from top tip to tip
  • The base is in the ground 25 ft
  • The pole is 225 ft tall
  • The pole is in the ground 25 ft.
  • The base of the pole is 5ft in diameter
  • Its only 18 inch in diameter at the top tip
  • The pole weighs 80,000 lbs! WOW.
(web photo)
Now that's a big beautiful flag!

I guess I'll get to moving around here. We may head uptown to see whats going on and later get some hot dogs to put on the grill. While I like to watch fireworks, Im not a fan of being in the type of crowd my town attracts. I'd rather stay safe in my yard and watch the fireworks over the trees.

"Everyone have a safe Independence day, Enjoy the fireworks and cookouts and hope no one burns their wieners".

The Interview

If you keep up with me, then you know I attended a Phlebotomy certification class a few years ago and continue keeping my license valid. I really want to do this kind of work one day.

While I am currently still at my twenty-two years behind this desk job, it hasn't stopped me from dreaming. There is something or somebody every day that pushes my button to ask myself,
"Self, You are better than this, why are you not looking?!"

Well, looking is what I have been doing. I have heard others tell me that I will not find a job making what I make now or that I will not find another job period. 

While they are probably 95% correct, I'm taking that 5% chance. So in the past couple months, I've sent my resume to four different places. 
~Two I have never gotten a response.
~One I got two emails stating they are looking at my resume and application and will be in touch.
~And one called me. After playing phone tag all day (I was working), I got a final message from a blood center letting me know they would be calling again in the morning at 8:30 and ask for about ten minutes of my time. 

So it happened. My first interview in twenty-two years. Even though it was a phone interview, I was still so nervous. What will they ask me? Will My mind go blank and sound like a pure T idiot?

Surprisingly, He was very pleasant to talk to and I didn't feel intimidated. He did most of the talking and made me feel at ease.

He told me about the phlebotomist position I had applied for. He admitted several times how impressed he was with my resume. They were interested in me. Wow. This felt good.

However, I had to decline the offer. It would require me to drive back and forth to the center which is thirty to forty-five minutes away. There I would only clock in and out as I would then be going mobile all over the state and sometimes have twelve hour days including weekends. I could be a mobile phlebotomist. I would love that. But I cant commit to those hours. 

The call ended with, "Well Mrs.D, if you ever change your mind whether it be six months or a year from now, get back in touch with me. 

I was flattered. Its wasn't much but it was something. I felt more important in those five minutes than I have at my current job in years.
I walked a little taller that evening just knowing I was recognized and had a chance. 

Until next time, I will continue doing what I do while I think about the future.

Its Rhubarb not Rutabaga

So I have been seeing some recipes using Rhubarb. I've never seen nor tasted such food. But I want too. I hear it has a sweet tart taste? I dunno.

The other day while shopping for produce, I mentioned to Nick that I wanted to make a Rutabaga pie or muffins. So The search was on. We found them. They looked like turnips and were ugly. They sure didn't look like the ones I saw on line. 

"Hmm let me wait a while on that cause I just don't know. That's an ugly veggie."

I did some research. Why didn't Rhubarb look like this in the grocery store? 
Because I was looking at Rutabagas!

Stupid me. I'm sure glad I didn't buy a Rutabaga because we would be eating nasty tasting pie!

So now my search is back on. I'm not sure this veggie (or is it a fruit?) is in season but I'm dieing to make some Rutabaga Rhubarb muffins soon.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Service Pets

I may get some slack for this but Im one to think the "service dog" craze is getting out of hand. It seems like every where I go, there is a dog. "Oh its my service dog" they say. Now dont get me wrong, I love dogs and other animals and I think service dogs for the blind are the most lagit, but some of the excuses Ive heard are just plain out rediculous to me.
There was a lady once in a restruant. Her dog sitting beside her. No vest, no flag, nothing. Just a little cute dog sitting in the chair at the table. She claimed it was her service dog for anxiety. Really? Im not gonna say its not a good idea but if you cant sit in a restaurant for 30 minutes to a meal, you need more than a dog. Just thinking about dog hair in the food was enough to make me gag and depending on what kind of dog it is, my allergies will flare up in a matter of minutes making my dining experience a bad one.

This happend yesterday. Me and Nick were browsing through the dollar store. He pointed me over to an area where a man had a big beautiful bird on his head. Me being the nosey one, I walk over to the man with a puzzled look on my face and ask, "really"? "Sorry sir but I had to see if the bird on your head is real?" He seemed thrilled to respond. "Yes maam, it is. He is my service bird". Let me just mention, this bird had a patriotic diaper on. Seriously! Genius! He went on, "He helps me with my bipolar problem." I asked the man, "so how does he help you with that?". "He can sense when I start going crazy and will start squawking loud to remind me to take my meds". He also stated that the bird also attracts the women. Haha ok good one [have you took your meds today?

My phone is in my hand but at this point but I didnt know to ask for a picture or not. The bird was squawking. I wish I had taken a picture though to go with my story. It sure was somethin. He said the VA gave it to him and his other outfit had his badges attached. Great story but not sure Im buying it.

Found a photo online of the same bird with the same patriotic diaper (or costume).

My thoughts? How in the world can a bird know one is crazy? 
If he goes to the mall, wouldn't it squawk the whole time? 
I mean crazies are everywhere. 
If your anxiety problem is so bad or you cant remember to take a much needed medicine, 
then how are you capable of taking care of an animal? 

This is becoming a problem around here and the situation is getting out of hand, sort of like the handicap passes. I want get started on that. People are taking advantage of it and it hurts those that really need the help. 
Did you know you can buy a service vest for your pooch on ebay for 29.99? Yep. Want to take fido with you anywhere you go? Just get one and no one dares to ask for proof. And its legal!

I think I need a service monkey to slap food out of my hand everywhere I go because I have an eating problem. Any suggestions on where I can get one?