Happy May

I bet you all wonder where I am. Well, I'm here, I'm on here every day reading other blogs. The only thing is, I just cant seem to find anything to blog about myself, so my blog has been sorta stagnant. I could blog about world things but we see and hear enough about that. Plus it would just be controversial.  I have written a few blogs on my feelings but I end up deleting those after I vent to the computer screen. I just like happy post and even though I'm happy as can be, I still have sad days and mad days that go away and aren't worth writing about.

But Its May, so maybe I will have more to talk about since May is full of things for me to share. For starters, today is my a 21st wedding anniversary. I love being being married and it seems that our love for each other grows stronger every day. I woke up this morning to a lovely gift from my husband. It was another bangle to add to my Alex & Ani collection. That's not all, I came home for lunch and he had me another one!

Tonight we will have dinner and probably take a walk. We like to walk and talk about our day. Just enjoying each other. We don't need to do anything special for today. We make everyday special.

May is also my birthday month. My Mom has a dinner planned for the family. Because.....
I have two siblings and my Dad all with birthdays in May and three out of four of us are within three days apart. So, she just throws one big dinner for us all. Yes, and four cakes.

We will also take a weekend trip to the beach again in a few weeks. There are also friends and family that will be graduating this Month and I'm sure we will be celebrating that too.
Not to forget, there is Mothers Day and we have a family reunion I should attend at the end of the month.


With all that being said, I am also gonna have to be strong as far as not to over eat since I'm still on a diet. Wish me luck. I hope to start blogging regularly again soon!

Nutrisystem- Slowing Down

Just finished my 16th week on Nutrisystem. I feel great! Its been a fun journey and I've lost several pounds and inches now.

The weight is now coming off slowly. Its only about a pound a week. I guess that is better than a pound gained but I wish to loose more. I'm just 15lbs away from reaching my goal. Hopefully the pounds will start dropping faster soon. They suggest I make sure to get all my foods in for the day. Other than NS foods, I'm suppose to have recommended snacks in between. I'm suppose to eat something every 3 hours, 6 times a day and 4 servings of veggies. Seems like a lot of food huh? Well not really because the snacks are things like a tablespoon of almonds, a slice of bread, cheese, or yogurt, etc. Small healthy things.

Nutrisystem- Ravioli
I'm still loving the foods and its gotten a lot easier to say no to other foods I shouldn't be eating.
I went on a beach trip the other weekend and was able to turn down the good smelling foods that were tempted everywhere we went. I did however, eat a dozen oysters one night and Mexican food the next . I also snacked on pop corn, carrots and almonds while laying on the beach all day. I over ate on those snacks but Its was all good. It didn't cause me to gain any weight. I didn't loose any either but no gain was a blessing.

Despite all the rain we have had these past couple weeks I have been able to get in my walks. One day we walked in the rain. Its was rather nice.



Here I am after that long wet walk, showing off my Dancing With The Stars, "Raise The Barre" tank that Nutrisystem sent me. What a surprise it was for me.

Its been a slow journey lately with my weight loss but I have thought about it and I plan to keep going on this diet. Its so easy to follow. With the discounts I have been collecting, It's gotten to a reasonable cost for me. I still have a few more pounds to shed to be ready for my August Vacation. I hope the pounds start dropping more and more.

Beginning weight- 168 lbs.
Weight after 16 weeks- 142 lbs.
That's 26 lbs. lost!