Grad Party Blogger fail

This weekend was pretty busy as we prepared for my daughters graduation party. We were expecting about 50 people to show up. I sent out invites with "please send regrets" suggestion on them. I did not have but 3 regrets but about 15 people didn't show up! Sad thing about it is, they were all family. But that's ok, her best friends showed up except for a few but that's because they live far away. I have lots of cupcakes and hot dogs left over!

The party was also a wash out. Of course, it rained all day. The rain has been our enemy for the past few weeks as we tried to paint and get things ready for this celebration. We got though it and it ended up being a nice little party. We still had it outside under our carport.

We served hot dogs with all the fixings, beautifully decorated cupcakes and fruit kabobs. Guess what though, I forgot to take pictures. YES! I am such a bad blogger. However, I did take a picture of the center piece.

I gathered up her hats from previous graduations that include preschool, high school and college.

I really hate I didn't take pictures of the cupcakes using the cupcake stand I created by using a candle stick and plate glued together and painted. Oh wait here is a picture of the youngest guest with a cupcake.

He is testing out one of the green cupcakes and licking the frosting off the graduation hat topper.

I also made some diploma cookies.

The picture pretty much explains how I did them.

Next time I will try to be in the blogging mood and have a better story.

Ummm, did I just say next time?

Ice Cream Bread

Who knew you could make bread with only two ingredients?

Flour and Ice Cream!!!!
Why not? Ice cream has sugar, milk and eggs already in it.

I just had to try it. And it worked! It was delicious. Be in mind, this is "bread" not "cake" therefore its not as sweet. That's ok with me. I thought it was just the perfect bit of sweetness. This will go great with a cup of coffee.

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I chose to use butter pecan ice cream because its one of my favorite flavors.

Here is simply how you do it.


2 cups softened ice cream
1 1/2 cup of self rising flour
Mix well (it will be thick)
Pour into a greased and floured pan ( I used a loaf pan) and bake at 350 for 40 to 45 minutes.
Just use the ole toothpick test and stick one in there and if it comes out clean, its done.
It did not rise a lot but again, I think its perfect.

Just experiment with different flavors.
Next I'm gonna try it with rocky road!
Ive shared this at:

full-plate-thursday at mizhelenscountrycottage
tasty-thursdays at mandatorymooch
kitchen-fun-and-crafty-friday at kitchenfunwithmy3sons
freedom-friday at myturnforus
marvelous-mondays at thisgalcooks
brag-about-it-tuesday bebetsy  (FEATURED)