Hand-made Booties

I have been feeling a little crafty the past couple months. It could be because the weather is getting cold, needing stress relief from the Christmas rush, or because I've been itching to do things since I gave up facebook. But anyhow, I got this crazy idea to crochet baby booties. Yes, baby booties. No idea why but just wanted to try it. I know two or three different crochet stitches that my mom taught me years ago and made a baby blanket once but that's as far Ive been with it. So, I found an old ball of yarn, a cozy chair and began to crochet again.

You see, on my shopping trip the other day, my friend bought her grand baby some of the cutest little booties and this inspired me to try and make a pair. After several you tube videos and web sites, I stumbled across
this cool blog and saw a video, learned a new stitch, and learned to read a crochet pattern.
Before I knew it, I was making a funny looking sock! By watching the video I would forget what row I was on and since i'm left handed I was going backwards, so I made a copy of the pattern and went by that.
and Bingo!...........
Baby booties were made!

I really surprised myself and it was quick and fun. After there photo shoot, I put them in a little box, dated them and put them away. Maybe one day I will have a grand baby myself to give these to. Not anytime soon though. Meanwhile, I'm thinking of making some more just for the fun of it.

Mistletoe Find

For the past two years, in my neighborhood, I have seen this mysterious green shrubbery living in a nearby tree. Mistletoe has been know to grow really high up in the trees, but not my finding. Some that I have found is within reach. Last year, we cut some down and divided among friends and family. The problem with cutting it to soon, it dried out within a week so I do not plan to cut any this year.

I had my husband take a couple pictures of the mistletoe for me while he was on his walking route.

Ever wonder why mistletoe is a Christmas tradition? I read on the internet that the French believe it was growing on the tree that Jesus was crucified on, therefore was cursed to be poison and denied a place to grow on earth to forever be a parasite. I still don't get where it falls into Christmas. Sounds to me like is should be more of an Easter tradition.

Here in the South, it is believed that a couple that kisses under the mistletoe will ensure themselves a long happy marriage, while an unmarried woman NOT kissed under the mistletoe will be single for another year.
As for the mistletoe itself, you are suppose to remove a berry every time it is kissed under and after all the berries are gone, there should be no more kissing underneath that plant.

Ok, so I may go get a tiny piece so I can kiss Santa underneath it.  [wink]