Just Breathe

I’m here. I have just been too tired to blog. I want to get back to blogging regularly. I have a tiring job. It’s office work where I do a lot of researching for child and family services and by the end of the day, my eyes do not want to be on a computer. I’m home by 5:15 each day, have dinner and take a walk. Afterwards, I clean up the kitchen and take a shower. I sit down in my recliner to relax and end up falling asleep within 5 minutes. On the weekends I like to hang around the house in my loungewear all day and watch Netflex movies while working on a big crochet project that needs to be finished before Mothers day. I also do my house work on weekends.  Then Monday comes quick. 

Ok, I know all that is no excuse to not keeping up with blogging. I just need to breathe. 

Speaking of breathing.

For the past four or five weeks, I have struggled to breathe sometimes. It just started all of a sudden. It’s like an elephant sitting on my chest. This happens when I get my heart rate up and when I lay flat of my back. I struggle to breathe. I had asthma when I was a child and I’ve always heard it will probably return in my adult years. Well, I guess I’m in my adult years now. 

I went to the doctor for a check up and everything checked out perfect. My blood work was all good. He did an EKG and a chest xray to rule out and heart problems. Everything was perfect. So, the only other explanation was Asthma so he gave me an inhaler to try for a week. It seemed to work. I was using it almost every day. I rarely get out of breath but I was getting out of breath and wheezing just vacuuming a room. 

I had to go back today after recording my shortness of breath and using the inhaler. I kept a log.

He suggested I had either exercise induced asthma or allergy induced asthma and gave me another type of inhaler to use once a day. He wanted me to do a hit in the office for practice. Guess what? It worked! I went for a brisk walk tonight and never got out of breath. I was so excited. I can’t wait to see how well I do walking into work tomorrow. Now I can breathe. Asthma can be scary. 


  1. I have the same sort pf day job and it is very mentally draining!

  2. I do like the way you ended the entry. I love a good ending... Or a great beginning. It is so good when a doctor his the nail on the head and YOU CAN TELL A DIFFERENCE, love it.
    That type of job would hurt me bunches. Glad you can at least handle it and you do have that sweet dude to come home to. ;-) It is always a good visit here. We are back in Florida for a few weeks then back to Salisbury for my pappygram (mammogram).
    Take care and enjoy breathing, it can save your life, lthat for danged sure..
    Love ya

  3. Glad you got things figured out and the new inhaler works well for you. :)
