Three Months is Too Long

Ok here I go complaining again. I told myself I would not post this whiney stuff anymore but I honestly do not have anything else to talk about today. Sad huh.

Despite the smile on my face, and fun in my heart, I'm still in physical pain. This all started the first week of July. I started getting chest pains that felt like a heart attack. They would come and go and woke me during the night. It was even accompanied by sweating, racing heartbeat and shortness of breath.

I have had several test. I had two EKGs, blood test, chest xrays and a nuclear stress test. Nothing wrong with my heart. So we move on to possible gallbladder problems. An ultra sound and hida scan later, nothing seems wrong there either. I've had to wait a week between each test and thats annoying. I want a solution. I guess the 25 years of paying thousands of dollars for insurance is finally gonna benifit me, but I doubt it. 

The pains get worst by the day. I'm feeling sick now. Pains are now pretty consistant instead of comming and going. They are from my lower sternum to my collar bone and upper back. I'm so uncomfortable. At times I feel as if a 600 lb. bear is hugging me. I have shortness of breath, I can't enjoy exercise though I try every day. I toss and turn with chest and back pains during the night and it grinds all day long. 

The doctor has now gone back to his first instinct and thinks it's acid reflux or Gerd. I'm not really feeling that, but I do have some symptoms that suggest this could be possible. However, I wouldn't think Gerd would feel like I've been kicked in the chest by a kung fu fighter.

As a last resort, I'm scheduled for an endoscopy in two weeks! Uugh the wait!!! I'm on the list if they get any cancelations to see me sooner. He thinks I could also have a hiatal hernia or esophageal damage. Fingers crossed they find something thats nothing and I can get this taken care of. I'm miserable. Three months has been too long! 

On a good note. I have another beach trip planned this month before the test. Salt air heals everything, right? 

Speaking of salt healing, has anyone ever used the salt lamps? They are really pretty but do they really work to enhance lung and brain function, or is this some kind of weird gypsy belief? 

Note: please keep all comments on this post here or by email instead of facebook. Thanks.

We Survived

Last night while laying in bed we could hear the winds ripping across the house. The attic creeked and popped withstanding the wind gust. We could hear the bushes whipping the shutters then drifted off to sleep. 

The winds were just gusty and I think the strongest was 30mph winds. Not enough to tear a roof off but enough to clean the dead branches out of the tall pin oaks in the neighborhood. 

Our lawn is free of trees except a dogwood out back and a butterfly bush that is now leaning even more than it was. I'll go out and straighten it later. I usually cut it way back in the Winter anyway. 

One neighbor was not so lucky as Hurricane Irma toppled a tree on his property. No one was hurt but it was a site for the neighbors. We may gather up and help with the debris and may need to have a chain saw party. 

Below is a photo of the damages. 

We are survivors.

Note: Yes im taking this as a joke but remember there are many that are devistated with damages. Keep
Praying for those lost and damaged by this storm.