
Wow today its been a year since my first post.
Its been fun. I have made many blogger friends, found new ideas, and have heard some amazing stories from other blogger along the way.

 Here is a look at my first ever post. Its so small, I just copy and pasted it instead of adding the link.

October 20, 2011- Have to start somewhere.
"OK, so I have decided to take a shot at doing a blog. So here it I am. I have no idea where this will take me or how long this will last. It seems like a fun idea and maybe even a stress relief at times. I hope to share some of my thoughts, ideas, and maybe even a recipe or two. I hope you will continue to follow me as I try to make this interesting for me and all who read."
I think I've come a long way since this, don't you?
Since I have been blogging. I get a lot of questions from time to time by others.
Here are a few Q and A's Ive been asked.

Q. What made you want to start blogging?
A. I gave up Facebook for a while and wanted to do something else. I had been reading a blog of one of my zumba instructors called "confessions of a former couch potato". This is my blogspiration. I bet she didn't even know that. It was full of fun ideas and recipes so I wanted to do that! I like to share stuff and facebook only gave me a line.

Q. Why do you blog?
A. Its just me to talk about things I do. I like sharing things with others. Its relaxing and good brain exercise. Some read books, I blog. I don't read books.

Q. How did you come up with the name of your blog?
A.  I work 9 to 5 every day and I talk enough about work. So I wanted to make it a point to only blog about things I did away from work. Proof to myself, there are other things to life than just sitting behind a desk all day. It makes blogging more of my getaway.

Q. Where do you find your craft ideas?
A. Ive always been crafty as far back as I can remember, all the way from the first grade. Id rather make something than to read. My teachers even gave me crafts to do to keep me busy. I can easily come up with my own random ideas but I do find some really good ideas from Pinterest or other bloggers.

Q. Do you eat all of that sweet stuff you write about?
A. Yes, most of the time I do, but often I will just have a sample and give the rest away.

Q. Do you take all the photos you share?
A. Yes. The actual photo shots are all mine unless I source it otherwise.

Q. When do you have time to make all those crafts, cook and blog?
A. The crafts I do only take me the most of an hour to accomplish or if its something big, I may work on it a little bit at a time then share it. It takes me longer to come up with the idea to make something that to actually do it. Same with cooking. Quick and easy. And blogging last only as long as it takes to tell it.

So here's to one year and hope to keep this going for several more.
Happy Blogoversary to me!

Note: Did you know you can get a blogoversary widget? Here is the LINK.

DIY Book Pumpkin

I have been seeing these really cute little pumpkins made out of books. I think they are adorable. It cost nothing to make and looks great with all the other fall decorations. When the season is over, you can simply throw them in the recycle bin. So, I decided to make one and I think it turned out nice.

First- I had to get permission from my daughter to cut up one of her old books. She found one from when she was in grade school for me use. It was old and the pages were yellowed, but that's good because I think that gave it the pumpkin glow it needed.

Second- I drew out on the first page of the shape I needed. Then cut all the pages to the pattern.

Third- I tore off the front and back cover, glued an old stick in the book spine.
I just used an old stick found in the yard.

Fourth- I glued the front and back pages together around the stick and let it dry.

For the finishing touch, I fanned out the pages and added some ribbon and twine.

There I have it. A book pumpkin. 

A few that inspired me to do this are at and paper-pumpkin. You can find alot of different shapes and sizes that other crafters have shared by searching "book page pumpkins". There are also many different options of decorating them.

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nifty-thrifty-tuesday at coastal charm
made-by-me-53-linky-party-and-features at jaqsstudio [Featured]