Signs Of Autumn

It’s that time of year where the scent of falling leaves and campfires take over the air. Though I am a Summer girl, I enjoy the smell of Fall and all the vibrant colors. 

While we were out walking this morning, I had to pull out my phone to snap a few pictures of the things that screamed Autumn. I could hear the acorns hitting the roof tops of homes and cars while the squirrels scurried around to stock up on nuts for the Winter. I picked up a few to add to my fall decor.

I could not resist snapping a photo of the Magnolia pods. Magnolia trees are one of my favorite trees next to the dogwood.

There are many of these trees in my neighborhood and when they show off their white flowering blooms, I can smell a lemony aroma.

Some people use these pods to add to their Fall decorations. You can actually find these for sale in private shops. 

If you look closely, you can see a big spider web. There is a spider perfectly centered waiting on her prey as the dew drops glitter on her transparent silks.

This is when I put my camera aways and left the scene. This was way to close for comfort for me. Spiders are one of my biggest fears. I will probably have nightmares about them tonight now. 

It has rained here for the past few days and the temperatures are in the 70’s. We will head out for a walk every chance we can get between the downpours. I managed to get in my three miles while Nick continued for two more. It is always nice to see the new things nature plants for us to see as we enjoy the outdoors. 

We are really missing is the sounds of Football games and marching bands from the high school around the block. 
What are favorite things about Fall?


  1. My favorite season is the one I'm in! :) I like them all.
    NICE pictures!! Love the acorns.

  2. I think I am with Happy one above. LOL enjoyed the picture and dialog of what is going on there with the weather. We see it on the net, but know you are THERE! Enjoy, Life is good.
    Sherry & jack down here.

  3. I love the acorns, the Magnolia but like you spiders are my worst fears too! My kids used to pick at me but gosh I don't like them. They can jump and crawl on you...The pods of the Magnolia are so pretty and I save them. Love your post!
    Spring and Summer are my favorites but I am beginning to like some things about Autumn Fall..the colors are really beautiful. The cooler weather I like too! Oh and I like to see the mums in bloom and they make for such a quick garden addition.

  4. Everything is so beautiful, even the spider.

    They built a high school just down the road here slated to open in 2020. It ended up opening late 2019, but is now closed. Funny, I worried the sound of football games would grow annoying on Friday nights. Not a problem now. I wish I hadn't worried about it.

  5. Also a summer gal. I appreciate fall, but I don't love it.
