We started every day the same. We get up around 7:00 each morning and share coffee and breakfast. At 8:00 we rush to the beach to get a spot to place our umbrellas and chairs.
Here in the Carolina's, you cant put your umbrellas out until 8am and they have to be placed behind the life guard post. Everyone like us are in a fight for a good spot usually landing it in the same place each day. You get to know those beside you as you become beach neighbors all week.

Here in the Carolina's, you cant put your umbrellas out until 8am and they have to be placed behind the life guard post. Everyone like us are in a fight for a good spot usually landing it in the same place each day. You get to know those beside you as you become beach neighbors all week.
Shark week seems to be a big deal lately and the trend is growing. It was really cool when I found a shark tooth while on my morning walk. We also seen a fisherman reel in a shark from the coast.
You see shirts advertising it, kid playing with rubber sharks in wave pools and shows on TV all week about sharks.
You see shirts advertising it, kid playing with rubber sharks in wave pools and shows on TV all week about sharks.
A couple days started off as usual. Kids playing in the sand, lovers smooching in the ocean while the others rode waves on the boogie boards. Then you hear the whistle of the life guard. Everyone stops to stare as he motions for everyone out of the water. A shark has been spotted.
Curiosity sets in and everyone rushes to get a glimpse of what usually is only like a 3 or 4 ft shark, minding its own business. After about 15 minutes, everyone fearlessly jumps back in.
Curiosity sets in and everyone rushes to get a glimpse of what usually is only like a 3 or 4 ft shark, minding its own business. After about 15 minutes, everyone fearlessly jumps back in.
Other than the shark sightings and the lifeguards jumping in and rescuing a surf board that looked like it had been swallowed and spit out of a whales stomach, It was just that rough looking and there was nothing to it. Just a surf board. That's about all the shark week excitement we saw. The rest of the time was eating and relaxing in the sun.
I found you :) I am so jealous. We used to go to the outerbanks every fall and it was so relaxing. Never saw a shark though. May have never gone back in the water if I had.