DIY Cotton Stems

Happy Fall yall!
Gosh that was hard to say. I’m a sunshine and Summer gal.
We were suppose to head to the beach this weekend but the campground has no vacancies. This has never happened to us before. I’m thinking it’s due to all the Florida folks in for higher ground. Uggh!!! We will just have to wait a couple weeks. The beach in October is still good. It may be a chill in the air but it is what it is. So,with that being said, I went ahead and put summer behind me and got busy creating a few decorations to go with the season.

Today I’m going to share my latest craft I have been itching for months to make. “Cotton stems”.
For the record, there were no farmers, slaves, immigrants, maw maws, paw paws or kids used in making this decoration. It's just the work of my own two hands and maybe Johnson and Johnson. 

My husband has pretty much stopped asking “why?” when I mention needing certain random things. I may get “the look” but he knows by now that I have a craft idea in mind and when that happens, there is no stopping me. I'm sure he appreciates this more than if I were to go on a shopping spree to Hobby Lobby. 

I pulled out a bag of cotton balls from the cabinet and a glue gun from the craft room. I asked my husband to pick me up two pine cones on his morning walk. I snapped a few dry twigs from a Crape Myrtle. That's all I needed for this project. 

I cut off several spikes from the pine cones and glued them onto the hand puffed cotton balls to look like the pods. 

With another dab of hot glue to the middle of the pods, I slid the end of the branches into the cotton. I wish I would have stuck to the darker pine shell. It gives it a better look.
Once finished, I put them in a vase, or jar to make the perfect natural decoration for the season.

I always admire the cotton fields we pass in South Carolina on our beach trips. My creation looks almost like the real thing minus the beetles.

Question: Just how long is a cotton picken minute?
My Answer: As long as it took daddy to fix something.
I've heard it many times "Just give me a cotton picken minute!"

Lemon Seeds

I had no idea I could actually grow a lemon tree. I read on the Internet that you can actually grow a lemon tree from lemon seeds. Really? Ha! Okay, I knew that but wasn't sure it would work for me.

I read that the seeds need to be from a fresh organic lemon. My lemons were NOT organic. In fact, they had also been in the fridge for a week.
The truth is, I rarely buy anything organic unless its on sale and that's only because of the price. I’m not a big believer in the whole organic craze. Organic to me is right out of my garden. I call bull on any of the organic claimed items in the store. Personally I’d rather have my foods grown protected from insects and diseases. But that's just my thoughts.

Ok, back to the lemon seeds. 
While cutting up a lemon for Nicks water, I managed to scoop out some seeds. I didn't follow the instructions on how to get them ready to plant. I just stuck them in some dirt. Two weeks later, I had lemon sprigs! 

I was tickled. I did read that once they have a couple leaves to them, I can transport them to a larger pot, so I did and they have mature just a bit.

Now I wait. The weathers is going to turn cold soon so I plan to bring the plant inside and keep it by the bay window for sun. I really hope it continues to grow.