Ginger Bread Camper

I'm more excited than a seagull with a french fry about this Ginger Bread kit.

Its a Ginger Bread Camper!

I seen these online last month. After visiting every Walmart in town, I failed to find one. I saw plenty of gingerbread houses, trains and even ninja men. However, the campers were always sold out.

While doing a little grocery shopping the other night at Walmart, I lost my husband in the store. This is not unusual as we both end up going separate ways when we see something we want to look at. After a few minutes, he came around the corner hold nothing more than the gingerbread camper. He knew he found me a piece of gold as he was grinning from ear to ear. I was so excited.
OK I know, It doesn't take much to excite me.

I would normally wait on my daughter to come home to put together a project but I knew this one was a really small task that just one person could handle within a minute or two. 
Pfffhh, It took me an hour!


I have to say, tonight I learned I could never be a cake decorater. Decorating this thing was the hardest thing Ive done in a while. The icing would dry faster than I could spread it. It fell apart about three times beacause I don't follow instructions well, and the fact that I have the patience of a three year old. However, I had fun. 

I will let it sit out through Christmas.

What ya think? Cute huh?

I sent my daughter a photo and her response.....
" hahaha, Its pitiful but cute".

Do people really eat these things? Not me. I do not like the taste of ginger bread. Had it been a chocolate chip camper? It would only last long enough to take a photo.

Have you ever made a gingerbread house? 

I Won!

I don't believe in luck, but I've been pretty lucky blessed this year. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket. I've always said my luck is so bad "I can't even win anything out of a gumball machine". But I can't say that any more after this past year has been in my favor with a few surprises. My latest? I won a prize in a recent blog giveaway.

I have been following this cute little blog called "Summer Daisy Cottage".

Recently she did a post series called "Island Mystery".
Now you know I was all into that as she shared many cool features of a paradise island she was living on.
Each post of interesting facts would give clues to where she was living. At the the end of the series, readers took the hints she had shared to guess where it was. The ones that guessed correctly were put in a drawing to win a prize.

I guessed right! She lives on an Island in Jamaica. I'm jealous of her right now. How wonderful it would be to wake up to the smell and feel of the the islands hitting you in the face each day.

Anyhow, I'm now the winner and owner of this cute little butter dish by The Pioneer Woman.


Thanks Summer! It will hold a special little place in my heart and on my table. I love all of the dishes and kitchen essentials by The Pioneer Woman so this was the perfect gift for me. I didn't, until now, have a covered dish for my butter. With the poinsettia pattern it will look great adorning my table during Christmas meal times and my annual New Years feast I host for my entire family.

I encourage you all to hop over and check out her blog "Summer Daisy Cottage". She has started another series of post called "Coconut Diaries". She will share her island life, activities and foods from the Island.

Her post are fun to follow as they are often short and sweet and will put a little smile in your day.