Christian Door

Do you have a six paneled front door? We do. We also have six paneled doors on our three bedrooms. I’m pretty sure they are the original doors that were built with the house back in the 70’s. 

Did you know this style of door is called a Christian door? Why?

In colonial England, the six paneled door had stiles and rails that suggested a cross at the top half and an open Bible at the bottom. They were also called Cross and Bible doors. 

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These kind of doors have been around since the 1700’s. They became popular again in the past 10 years.

Six panel doors were not created to represent a cross or a Bible. The cross panels were there to make the door stronger. People have added the Christian door story later on. Early American used to hang these doors with the cross symbol to ward off witches. That was just superstition. 

Either way you look at it. You will now always think of the cross when you see a six paneled door. Your welcome. 

Kale, Apple and Carrot Slaw

There is just something about Apples in Autumn. I know most people like Pumpkin Spice, but not me. It’s fun to look at all the pumpkin spice flavored foods that come out during the Fall season but I’m not temped to buy any of it. 

I’m going to share with you a recipe that is not only good but it’s healthy and a great way to eat your greens and carrots. It is a struggle for me to eat veggies but if there is a veggie dish already made in the fridge, I will dip out a bowl of it with my meals. This recipe is a good one to make ahead and will stay fresh and crispy for a few days. It also includes Apples that give it just enough sweetness and crunch. 

Kale, Apple and Carrot Slaw.
1 head- chopped Kale.
1 apple- cored and small diced.
Handful- shredded carrots
Handful- raisins
Handful- chopped pecans (optional)

2 Tablespoons- plain Greek Yogurt
2 Tablespoons- mayonnaise
1 Tablespoon- brown sugar
1 Tablespoon- apple cider vinegar

Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl.
In a separate bowl, mix the dressing ingredients.
Pour in the dressing and toss.
Cover and chill until meal time or over night.

Kale is healthy greens full of vitamins A,K,B6,E and C and antioxidants. It also contains calcium, copper and potassium. Together, these vitamins can help your skin look younger. It brightens your skin appearance and dark spots. Boy, I need a lot of this stuff but sadly it can also cause bloating and gas. Also, if your on blood thinners, don’t eat Kale without talking to your doctor because Vitamin K can interfere with that medicine. 

Now for the big question….
Are you more of an apple person or pumpkin spice person when it comes to those Fall favorites. 

Original recipe can be found HERE.