The Vaccine

I’m getting really tired of hearing about that dern vaccine. I enjoy social media but it seems everyone is attacking everyone over a vaccine. I have had friends ‘unfriend’ me over political views, mask mandates and now vaccine choice. I think all of this should be part of our freedom and no one should be shunned or made fun of for their choice.


I have made my choice not to get vaccinated. I do not have a political reason for not taking the vaccine. It’s a personal health choice for me. I am afraid that one day they will force people to have the vaccine to keep their jobs or get a job. When that time comes, I will have to make a choice, but until it’s forced on me, I will say no. 

People say I’m being selfish because of my choice. No. I am not selfish and I truly believed that if all this mask and vaccines worked I would comply. I have enough since to keep my distance from people and take extra precautions about touching things. If I would ever feel feverish or sick, I would stay home and away from others. I’m a germaphobe like this anyway. 

You say non vaccinated people are selfish, we say people that say these things are selfish. It can go on back and forth all day. No one is right and no one is wrong. I just simply do not want to take the vaccine for health reasons and trust concerns too. I know people that have passed away within weeks of taking the vaccine. There is no proof that the vaccine was the cause of death but those that have died with covid have no proof it was from covid either. I’ll take my chances. 

I work hard to stay healthy. I have not been to the doctor for a cold in 3 years. If I make to December, It will be 4 years since I have had a cold. I never get a flu a shot either. I only remember getting the flu once in my life. I do not take any medicines other than a Tylenol for a head ache or joint pain. I eat healthy and take my vitamins. Why would I want to put an unknown, newly created, half approved so called experimental vaccine into my body? I need proof it works. I want to see the effects it has both short term and long term. Why is that selfish? Why should I be punished for staying healthy?

People say “well you took other vaccines when you were a baby and your fine”. Well it took years to approve those vaccines and they worked! It wiped out the disease (or virus) with one shot. You didn't have to keep taking a booster every year because of a new variant and they were not created or approved within a few months in the middle of a political debate or crisis.

I believe if you think you need to take the vaccine, then you should take it. But if you don’t want to take the vaccine then it’s your choice. If you have taken the vaccine, you shouldn’t have to worry about catching the virus, right? 

My daily vitamins include: D3, Zinc, Calcium, Heliocare, Magnesium, Turmeric. 

Bucket Light

When you go camping, you see a lot of cool things people do to be resourceful. It’s fun to see camping hacks that cost little to nothing to make. You also see neat survival techniques and ways to save space. I get fascinated.

I have seen several different ways to light up your camping space but one that I just had to make was a bucket light. It was easy to make and this one only costed me a dollar for the light and a dollar for the batteries at the dollar tree.

You can get three to five gallon buckets from a hardware store for a few dollars but I knew where I could find a smaller bucket for free. When I used to work at Belks, they would have buckets of hand sanitizer wipes placed at the registers for employees. They would throw them away once they become empty. I got my hands on one before it hit the trash can. 

Optionally, you can add a picture or saying on the side. I asked my Sister to make me a vinyl decal to put on mine. She did a good job and I love it. We took it with us to the beach and hung it in the center of our picnic shelter. It was a great light. Since It has a battery operated light in it, I could use it inside if the power went out or carry it down to the ocean at night for some romantic lighting. A five gallon bucket light would make a nice lighted seat during a night of fishing.


To get the different colors I just placed colored solo cups over the little battery light on the inside. Most people purchase better lighting with larger lights that have a remote control for on and off and color changing. I didn’t want to get all that fancy. I just wanted a little light and it’s perfect.